[0-3] - Shiori Nakano's Introduction

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The footsteps became increasingly louder by the second.

I stepped back a little bit, Renjiro watching me as I do so.

Soon enough, another guy walks in the room, looking around frantically.

???: "This shit's so creepy..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Oh, a new person!"

???: "Ah-"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Gonna get attached to this person as well?"

RENJIRO KATO: "One at a time, mister."


???: "I don't get it...! What's happening here?!"

RENJIRO KATO: "Ooh, you have a nametag too, yes?!"

???: "I, uhm..."


???: "Yeah, I do... Why?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Can we read it?"

???: "I'm... not stopping you..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Great! Haruki, over here."


I walk beside Renjiro to glance at the guy's nametag.

His name was Shiori Nakano.

He is contestant number 20.

RENJIRO KATO: "Shiori? That's your name?"

SHIORI NAKANO: "Mhm... It is..."

RENJIRO KATO: "I think we're gonna get along just fine."

SHIORI NAKANO: "We are...?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Obviously! We'll be here for a while, right?"

SHIORI NAKANO: "Don't say such things...!"

RENJIRO KATO: "Eh, what do I know?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Nothing. So shut the hell up."

RENJIRO KATO: "Yeah, yeah, whatever."


"What are you both doing here?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Us? We just finished talking to someone and we heard you come around the corner."

SHIORI NAKANO: "I was trying to find someone else here other than the person I woke up with..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Is this place that big to where you couldn't find at least someone for a hot minute?"

SHIORI NAKANO: "It... looks like it. I don't know what we're supposed to do here."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "No one knows anything, it's pointless to ask those types of questions at the moment."

"When we meet more people, maybe someone can give us some sort of hint."

RENJIRO KATO: "Speaking of meeting new people..."

Renjiro grabs my hand.

RENJIRO KATO: "C'mon, bitch!"


SHIORI NAKANO: "Uhm- See you both around...?!"


He drags me into the next room.

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