[0-9] - Rina Kagawa's Introduction

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Riku led us to another spot in the room.

???: "God damn it, Riku, what is it this-"

She cuts herself off and takes a look at us.

RENJIRO KATO: "Well, damn..."

???: "My bad... Riku has been pestering me ever since I got to 'know' him."

RIKU NAKASHIMA: "Nuh-uh! I was just... trying to lift up the mood!"

???: "We're on a goddamn island in the middle of NOWHERE!!! How the hell could you lift up the mood if you don't even know where we are?!?"

RIKU NAKASHIMA: "Well... one can only try, right?"

???: "Fuck off."

I glance at her nametag.


???: "Lookin' at my nametag?"


???: "The name's Rina Kagawa. Contestant 15."

RENJIRO KATO: "The fact we have to introduce our contestant numbers too is crazy..."

RINA KAGAWA: "I'm just doing what everyone else is doing."

RIKU NAKASHIMA: "So why don't you-"

RINA KAGAWA: "Fuck. Off."

"I don't need you bothering me any longer."

RIKU NAKASHIMA: "Your loss."

He says as he walks off.


RINA KAGAWA: "Your loss, my ass."

RENJIRO KATO: "You're already annoyed at someone?"

RINA KAGAWA: "Shocker. Haven't even been here for a long time and it's already comin' up."

Renjiro looks at me.



He turns back to Rina.

RINA KAGAWA: "Anyway, I literally have nothing else to do."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Oh, I just noticed... Wasn't he supposed to help us introduce ourselves?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Right... What's his deal?"

RINA KAGAWA: "Don't take it to heart, he's gonna be a bitch, I know it."

RENJIRO KATO: "Oh, is he now?

RINA KAGAWA: "If he starts actin' weird, just... ignore it."

"God knows what he did to that Yuki kid over there."


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "He... made Yuki like that?"

RINA KAGAWA: "That's just one of my observations."

"I don't know what Riku did, but it sure as hell didn't do good on that kid."


Is Yuki even willing to speak?

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'll just... watch out for him."

RINA KAGAWA: "That'd be best. If anyone's gonna die, it would be by his hand."


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'm sorry... did you say someone will die?!"

RINA KAGAWA: "I'm overexaggerating. I've seen way too many TV shows, it's insane."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Don't think you should be joking like that...!"

RENJIRO KATO: "She doesn't mean it either way, so we're fine!"

"Not gonna lie, I see this as some kind of opportunity."

RINA KAGAWA: "Oppor...tunity?"


RENJIRO KATO: "It's the perfect time to take advantage of others, am I wrong?"



RENJIRO KATO: "We can take control of the most vulnerable!"

He says in the happiest tone ever...

RINA KAGAWA: "I mean... I see your point, but... I think it'd be best to wait."

RENJIRO KATO: "No, this is the perfect time! 'Cuz-"

RINA KAGAWA: "If something were to happen later on, and if that something were to put someone in a vulnerable state..."

"That'd be the perfect time."


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I don't even know if I can trust you both..."

RINA KAGAWA: "It's just possibilities."

RENJIRO KATO: "You don't wanna be here the whole time with no one to trust, right~?"

He leans closer to me, but I back away a bit.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I don't... necessarily want that to happen, but still..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Which is why you need me around!"


RENJIRO KATO: "But anyways, I think it's time we talk to other people!"

"Wanna come with, Rina?!"

RINA KAGAWA: "I'll stay here. I don't trust everyone that well yet."

RENJIRO KATO: "Fair enough."

Renjiro then pushes me in a random direction, and we start walking.

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