[1-1] - FTE #2

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Haruki Kishimoto & Renjiro Kato's Cabin

Time: ???



I went back to my cabin after what I had just witnessed.

Renjiro didn't follow me.

He was nowhere to be found. At least not in my sights.

I lay in my bed still, thinking about Mei's sudden demise.

The man shot her to pieces with just a single click...

And he left us in the dark about what to do.

Actually, he didn't leave us in the dark entirely.

When I first returned back to this cabin, there was another paper hung above my bed.

It was a list of rules that we were all set to follow.

Rule 1. You will remain at this island until necessary.

Rule 2. You will not leave your cabins at night, unless if it's for a good cause.

Rule 3. You are free to explore the building and other cabins at your own discretion.

Rule 4. Destroying cameras or equipment that is used for me to contact the contestants is prohibited and will result in immediate execution.

Rule 5. When an investigation period has concluded, the contestants must vote for who they think the killer is at the Voting Room.

Rule 6. Every time a case has been solved, a new floor will open up. This will grant everyone access to the elevator at the middle of the first floor.

Rule 7. An investigation period will last 3 days.

Rule 8. If you were to break any of these rules, you are to be executed.

Rule 9. Destroying cabins are prohibited.

Rule 10. You are not to cannibalize.

Rule 11. Nighttime is from 11 PM to 8 AM.

Rule 12. Additional rules may be added if necessary.


These rules confuse me.

Scare me, even.

I'm confused mostly on the whole investigation bit.

And this... killer thing...

Is this all because of Riku?

Does this man know about Riku somehow?

Just somehow... Riku has something to do with this.

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