[0-1] - Renjiro Kato's Introduction

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It was rumbling.

I kept feeling the rumbling for several seconds.




My eyes open wide.

And what do they meet?

A cabin.

A dark cabin.

A dark cabin with barely any lights, so I can't even see what's going on.


My head immersed itself in a sharp pain.


"God damn it..."


I grab my head and squeeze it.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "F-Fuuuuckk............"

Turns out it was just my vision.

The cabin was lit perfectly normally.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Where the... Where am I...?!"

This... place...

What am I doing here...?

Why am in a place like-

???: "AH!"

I jumped at the sound of the guy screaming.

???: "What is... Where am I?!"

He frantically looked around.

Then suddenly, he made direct eye contact with me.

???: "You... Do you... Who are you?!"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'm quite literally in the same boat as you, dude... I don't know what the fuck's happening!"


[ "Contestant #1 has awoken." ]


[ "Contestant #30 has awoken." ]


???: "Con...testant...?!"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "This is so fucking strange..."

???: "Where the hell are we?!"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "How the hell should I know?! I already said I didn't know what any of this was!"

???: "Whatever... I just... I don't know how I got here..."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Me neither... I haven't a clue as well."

???: "W-Well... shouldn't we try and find out?!"


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "W-Wait...! I wanna know these... contestant numbers-"



???: "There's... something on your shirt."


I look down at my chest, and surely enough...

...there was some kind of... tag.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "What is this...?"

The guy crawls over to me... and gets close.

???: "Hmmmmm............"


???: "Haruki... Kishimoto..."

"Contestant number 1..."


???: "Mine should be here, too..."

He sits up in a position where I could read it.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Your name is..."


"Renjiro Kato?"


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "It also says you're... contestant number 30..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Ah. I... figured as much."


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "If there are thirty contestants... does... does that mean there are other people here...?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Hm... It could be possible..."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Then... w-we should go-"

RENJIRO KATO"You're cute."



RENJIRO KATO: "Are we going or not?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Y-Yeah, sure..."

The hell was that about...?

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