[0-4] - Mei Ishizaki & Nao Kawaguchi's Introduction

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HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Where the fuck are you taking me?!"

RENJIRO KATO: "Somewhere where there's people."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I can walk by myself, you know!"

RENJIRO KATO: *sigh* "Fine."

He finally lets go of my hand.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Holy shit, I think you sprained something..."

RENJIRO KATO: "Stop being dramatic."

Renjiro begins to walk away.

Feeling annoyed AND compelled, I followed him.

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Is there literally any reason for this?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Just follow me, it'll be fine."

He turns a corner.


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "God damn it... I hate this place... and him."

Sighing, I turn the corner to follow Renjiro

But, as soon as I did so...

???: "But obviously, whatever we're dealing with is-"

RENJIRO KATO: "Hello there!"

They paused.


???: "Oh... Who are you?"

I come around the corner and the two girls see me as well.

???: "Another one!"


I see them getting a peek at Renjiro and I's nametags.

???: "Haruki and Renjiro, yeah?"


HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "That's right."

???: "Well, we're going to give you the old-fashioned introduction, mkay?"

RENJIRO KATO: "Alright..."

They stepped back a little bit.

???: "AHEM!! We'll start with me first."

"My name is Mei Ishizaki. I am contestant number 8."

RENJIRO KATO: "Mei... Alright, I get it now! Nice to-"

???: "Ah ah ah~! It's my turn now."

RENJIRO KATO: "Right..."

???: "I'm Nao Kawaguchi! I'm contestant number 19!"


RENJIRO KATO: "I dunno how you all can be proud of announcing your contestant number without knowing what it's for."

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Well... I'm wondering about those as well, but... since it's right next to our names on these tags, I guess it's necessary?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "I'm trying to find out the purpose of these... if someone would give me a clue in the first place..."

MEI ISHIZAKI: "Since everyone woke up here the same as you, I doubt someone would know what's going on."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "It doesn't hurt to try, right?"

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Ehh... whatever you feel like doing."

RENJIRO KATO: "What are we supposed to do in the meantime?"

MEI ISHIZAKI: "I've been here the whole time, so I can't really say."

"I'm just going to wait until something happens."

RENJIRO KATO: "What do you think'll happen?"

MEI ISHIZAKI: "I don't know. That's why I said I'm going to wait."

RENJIRO KATO: "Yeah, okay... Fair..."

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Now, do you need any help finding anyone?"

"I can tell you where most of them are."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Ah! That would... be more efficient."

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Great!" *ahem*

"Have you explored this whole floor yet?"

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Not really..."

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Okay, so there's this one room called the Meeting Hall or whatever it is, I don't know."

"There was a paper in all of our cabins telling us to go to that room."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "What- There was a paper?!"

"Renjiro, did you see any sort of that?"


NAO KAWAGUCHI: "Well, it should've been there."

"But anyway, that meeting hall should be the room you all should be going to."

RENJIRO KATO: "Then what are you doing here?"

NAO KAWAGUCHI: "I got caught up in a bit of investigating. Me and Mei will be there in a bit."

MEI ISHIZAKI: "We're just gonna look around here for a bit."

RENJIRO KATO: "Oh, alright... Have fun?"

MEI ISHIZAKI: "I might."

HARUKI KISHIMOTO: "Let's go then, Renjiro."

I waved to Nao and Mei as I left the room, not knowing if Renjiro is behind me.

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