Thursday 8th February

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I woke up this morning and actually felt rather well rested. The purpose of sleep I know but something that is never really felt daily.

The office was quiet and the rain was hammering against the roof. Outside was grey and the clouds were thick in the sky.

I actually quite enjoy working in the office when the weather is like this, it's relaxing and the background noise is peaceful.

I turned my chair to face the window during my lunch break and I read my book while eating my sandwich with my other hand.

When I got home the boys greeted me at the door, Duke bursting into zoomies as soon as I said hello and Chester bringing me all of his toys while I took my shoes off.

Luckily the rain had eased and was only a light splattering now. So I got the boys wrapped up in their coats and pulled mine on before heading out of the door.

We went for a quick match around the town, all three of us keeping our heads down to stop the rain blasting in our eyes.

I got back and dried the boys down before releasing them into the house. Before I left I strategically put some towels down so when we got back the boys would go straight to the towels.

I got myself dried and then changed to head out to boxing.

Only a moment after I arrived Georgia walked in. And there arose a chorus of “Georgia”.

“How was Australia?” She had been away over Christmas and we hadn't seen her fit a while. She filled us in on her holidays briefly, only slightly rubbing her tan in our faces.

“Now girls, next week being our valentine's day special, if you can arrive a little early please do so we can write out the valentine's words.”



“Love hearts.” Were all shouted at the same time. Then there was just laughter.

“Well I can tell who shouted penis and dildo.” Cara laughed pointing towards Vic and Amanda.

We started punching our combos and randomly words were being shouted out to the group.

“I don't know how to spell vibrator. Will someone write it for me next week?” Vic called out laughing while holding the pads for Helen.

“I'll write it for you.” I called out while laughing.

“Now are we having plank torture or squat torture?” Cara called to the class.

“Squats.” Tina called back quickly.

Cara played a song and when it sang ‘Sally up’ we stood, then when it sang ‘Sally down’ we had to squat and stay in a squat until ‘up’ came back around. And let me tell you the lyrics went:

‘Sally went up, and Sally went down…’ and then there was a whole verse before Sally was allowed back up again.

The squats got higher and higher throughout that 3 minutes.

I got home and just about managed to shower and get ready for bed before my legs gave way. I got tucked up under the covers and pulled my book over to me.

Laughter really is the best medicine!

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