Chapter 24

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Aiden and I were getting close again. Of course, his pain for Elena was ongoing. I kept comforting him and keeping it simple between us. I was a friend, and I was there for emotional support.

Although I wish we could all just move past this and continue living our lives, I knew I had to be patient. I continued to be his shoulder to cry on. His friend. Just like before we were dating. It was going to take some time before things get back to normal.

"I missed you." I said as Aiden and I were watching Bob's Burgers on my laptop.

"I missed you too." Aiden replied. "And hey, I'm so proud of you. For all the stuff you said the other day about Elena. Thank you. Thank you for growing up a little, Stella." He said with a little bit of sarcasm at the end.

I smiled. He was teasing me. We were slowly going back to our playful, friendly days. I was happy.

"I don't ever wanna lose you again." I told him, and I meant it.

I went to lean in for a kiss, and at first, Aiden hesitated. Then he kissed me back. It felt so good to be back to this. I slightly thought he would reject me, but he didn't, and I was happy.

"Look, I don't know if I'm ready to jump back into a relationship and pick up where we left off. A lot has happened. I don't wanna confuse you or hurt you. Can we just keep doing what we're doing?" He asked me.

I smiled. "Of course."


The Spring School dance was rapidly approaching. I haven't even had the time to think about it. I kind of figured that Aiden wasn't ready for it. The flyers decorated the walls and lockers in the hallway. I imagined the two of us, dressed up, having a great time. I never go to school dances. I was never liked, and Aiden was the only guy who ever showed me any type of attention.

Aiden and I sat together for lunch like old times. It was slowly going back to our normal routine before it was all messed up. We were having a conversation about one of our teachers when Aiden leaned closer across the table.

"Would you like to go to the spring dance?" He asked. Then he slid over a flyer.

"I saw this hanging out of your bag." He teased.

"Look, I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if you were ready or if you wanted to-" I explained.

"I think it'll be a great time. Even if we just go as friends." He said.

The smile slowly vanished from my face. We're still in a weird place right now; not exactly dating but also not exactly 'just friends.' I knew Aiden had feelings for me, but him dancing around my feelings hurts like hell. But I've been begging to have him back in my life.

"Of course. As friends. I'd love to." I smiled.

Then he reached for my hand, gently rubbing it with his thumbs.

"I appreciate you, Stella. I really do." He told me. "I'm sorry things are confusing now. But we're gonna have a great time at this stupid dance." He laughed.

The laughter was cut short when an announcement was made over the intercom. It was especially loud because of the cafeteria.

"Stella Maine to the principal office."

A shiver went down my spine, and I couldn't place why. Aiden looked at me from across the table, with an eyebrow raised.

"Weird. I wonder what that's for." I nervously said.

I walked away and looked back at Aiden, him smiling at me. It gave me a boost of confidence. There's nothing to worry about. Not when Aiden's with me.

Once I reached the office, my stomach fell to my feet. Two police officers were there waiting for me. As I opened the door, the principal stared right at me, into my soul.

"Have a seat, Stella."

I quietly took a seat and looked at the officers who were staring me down. I gulped. There was a lump in my throat. I knew exactly what was happening.

"Stella, is it true you've always had a negative relationship to Elena Baxter?" She broke the ice.

I was frozen. Suddenly, I forgot how to speak.

"I.. uh, I wasn't really her friend. I didn't talk to her." I replied quietly.

"Well, you texted her though, didn't you?" The principal had Elena's phone in her hand, showing the messages I sent her right before going to her house. The night she died.

The officers could see right through me. There was nothing to investigate; they had the culprit. Inside of me, I was screaming to defend myself, to lie my way out of this one. But I was crumbling. There was no way I could lie my way out of this.

I was shaking, and warm tears escaped from my eyes. The principal and officers exchanged looks before returning their attention to me.

"Stella, Elena's family was investigating this because they couldn't believe she would take her own life. I mean, whose family wants to believe that? But you left a trail of evidence behind. Her bedroom window was smashed. You sent her threats. It's all right here." She continued to speak even though I was slowly fading out of reality.

Her words just flowed in one ear and out the other. All I could imagine was me spending the rest of my life in prison. My life is over now, and it's all my fault. Just when things started to get better for me, karma finds a way of catching up to you.

The officers handcuffed me. They escorted me out of the main office, one on each side of me. We slowly walked down the hallway; everyone's eyes were glued to me. Everyone stopped what they were doing to see me, Stella Maine, get arrested and escorted out of the school. Of course, they don't know why I'm getting arrested. Or they do. Something about the looks on their faces made me believe they all saw me as a monster. The truth is out. I'm an evil monster who murdered the school's beloved popular girl. I'm the reason so many people's hearts are broken.

And someone I wished wouldn't ever see me like this: Aiden. He was walking out of the cafeteria and stopped in his tracks to see me handcuffed. His jaw dropped; he dropped his backpack to the ground and started to approach me.

"Woah, what's going on? Stella? Where are you taking her?" He begged for answers.

"Sir, please move along." One officer answered.

My face was covered in tears. The last time anyone will ever see me is when I look like a complete and utter disaster. This is how they'll remember me.

"I'm sorry, Aiden. I'm really sorry. Just please believe me." I turned my head to face him and deliver my last words.

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