Chapter 9

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It was Saturday afternoon.

I was practically healed back to full health already, after two weeks of misery. I felt so much better.

Cindy and I were talking on the phone for what felt like hours. It felt so good talking to her. I could just be myself.

"I'm so sorry for abandoning you at school." I apologized even though it wasn't really my fault that I caught the flu and got sick.

She laughed. "It's not your fault! But it's okay. I made some new friends so I wasn't completely alone."

"Good!" I replied, feeling a very tiny bit of jealously beneath the surface. What? Why am I getting jealous over Cindy making other friends? I shook the ridiculous feeling.

I don't own Cindy. She's my best and only friend, but that doesn't mean she can't have other friends. I think what's making me so jealous is the fact that she already has more friends than me, and she's new. I hadn't succeeded in making any other friends.

"Hello?" Cindy asked, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what? I was daydreaming." I admitted.

"I said, when are coming back to school?" She repeated herself.

"I will be good to go back on Monday." I replied.

"Yay!" She squealed on the other line.

We got lost in a conversation about school, boys and other things for a while.

Monday -

I woke up and got ready for school right away, instead of being sluggish and lazy like most mornings. I made myself look presentable for school, then waited by the bus stop.

Cindy and I live close by, so we usually wait together. But to my surprise, she wasn't there. I was by myself.

"Huh, that's weird. She said she was coming to school today." I thought to myself.

I frowned at the possibility of going to school alone. I know that Cindy had to go to school alone for the passed two weeks without me, but I was sick. I felt bad for leaving her behind. But now, I was really going to be alone.

I rode the bus alone, pressing my head against the window as I looked out. I wished that Cindy was here, sitting next to me and talking with me like usual.

Once I got to school, I walked into my first class. I set my books down and my head snapped in the direction of familiar laughter.

Elena and Cindy were both standing next to Elena's desk, talking and giggling. Cindy's face was brightened in amusement as she listened to Elena tell a story.

I was feeling several emotions. Shocked, confused, and angry.

The bell rang, indicating that class was about to begin.

Cindy walked over to her seat next to me. I looked at her, confused.

"Why weren't you at the bus stop this morning?" I decided to ask first.

"Oh, my new friend Elena and I have been going to school together. Her mom has been driving us. She saw me waiting alone at the bus stop last week and decided to bring me along too. She's a really great friend." Cindy chirped.

My heart stopped. Elena was friends with Cindy now. Which meant that eventually, Cindy would stop being my friend so she can be best friends with Elena instead.

"Are you okay? You look upset." Cindy noticed. I guess jealousy and bitterness was written all over my face.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm okay." I said. I didn't know what else to say. I didn't own Cindy. She can be friends with whoever she wants. My only problem is, the person she's friends with now.

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