Chapter 1

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A year had passed by, yet Stella was still fixated on the pretty girl. She was entering middle school, which meant a lot of new opportunities. Maybe she will succeed in making a friend.

So before the first day at the intermediate school, Stella curled her dark hair. But her hair was so thin and flat that it hardly held the curls, but she kept overdoing it and used a whole bottle of hairspray to try and get her hair voluminous and curly like Elena's. Elena didn't have to worry about curling her hair and spending all the extra time to look good, she was natural and effortless in her looks. This made Stella very jealous. 

Stella was still very young, but she was already developing insecurities about her appearance. She hated how she looked; especially when she met Elena. So Stella ended up stealing some of her older sister's (Mireya's) makeup. She applied it, not knowing how to properly wear it. She had no idea how to put makeup on, but she just wanted to look noticeably prettier on her first day.

Once Stella was satisfied with her different-looking appearance, she waited for the school bus to pick her up and take her to her first day of middle school.

"Welcome everyone, to Intermediate school. This is going to be a lot different than elementary. There are a lot more opportunities and clubs you can try out at here, we want everyone to be involved." one of the staff members went on and on at the sixth grade orientation. Stella yawned and looked over at what caught her eye.

Elena sat a few rows ahead of her, with a boy and a bunch of other kids.

Elena already has a boyfriend? Stella couldn't believe the jealousy she felt inside. She never had a relationship before, also considering how young she was. But Elena already had one, which made Stella want one even more. Stella got a closer look at the mystery boy, and she couldn't believe it.

It was Stella's biggest crush. And he was Elena's boyfriend. How? How did this happen? Stella liked this boy for so long, and here Elena is, just swooping him up without batting an eye. Stella wanted to cry.

After orientation, the students piled in the hallway to get to class. Stella walked over and bumped into the new couple whom Stella was very envious over.

"Hmm? Oh, hey Stella." Elena offered a gentle smile.

"Hi." Stella tried to seem happy too.

"Wow.. you look.. different." Elena tried to smile but couldn't hide the cringe she had on her face. The only thing that threw her off was the awfully applied makeup on Stella's face. Clumpy mascara, two different sized and shaped eyeliner wings, and bronzer that made it look like she swept dirt on her cheeks.

"Oh.. yeah. It's makeup." Stella frowned when she knew she looked and felt ugly in front of Elena.

"Well, I don't want to be late to my first class. Good luck today." Elena smiled and held her boyfriend's hand. Stella looked down at their fingers interlocked and scowled. She turned on her heel and walked to her first class. This day was already going horribly wrong.

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