Chapter 8

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I was laying on my bed, practically stuck there. I had the flu and I absolutely hated being sick.

"Here honey." My mom brought in a bowl of steaming soup for me and placed it on my night stand beside me.

"Thank you." I said. I reached over and placed the hot soup over my stomach, my thick blanket being the only thing keeping this bowl from burning me. The heat felt nice and soothing.

I was home from school for the passed week. I would be able to go back once I feel better.

Cindy and I talked over the phone some days after she got home from school. I felt really bad for leaving her at school, but I had to get better. The flu was no joke.

Later that day, I gathered enough strength to go downstairs to scroll on the computer, because I was bored.

I scrolled through social media, looking at countless text posts and memes, and some pictures from people in my grade.

But then I stopped at one post that appeared in my feed. Elena posted a selfie with a group of friends. Rolling my eyes, I decided to just keep scrolling and not dwell on it.

I wasn't jealous of her anymore. I had my own best friend and that was enough for me. I was more confident and satisfied with myself. I didn't need to get lost in her endless posts.

I decided to give Cindy a call because the time indicated that school ended about half an hour ago. I waited for her to pick up, but she never did.

She's probably just busy, or tired after school. I didn't think too much of it. I went back upstairs to my room and took a nap.

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