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Stella doodled in class when she was supposed to be learning about expeditions around the world in her history class. She drew a swirly design, and she didn't realize she was already writing a long paragraph of her recurring thoughts without thinking.

"Why can't I be like her? She's pretty and popular, everyone likes her. She has only been here for two weeks and everyone loves her. No one even notices I'm here."

It was fifth grade. Elena Baxter was the new student, but she didn't have any problems making friends and settling in. Stella was the quiet one, and she was amazed at the fact that she's been going to this school since kindergarten, yet she hasn't made nearly as many friends as Elena. Elena needed no effort to do so; and for that, Stella wondered. 

Tucker tripped over his shoes and his books scattered everywhere. He frantically tried to pick them up, but was greeted by the pretty, sun-kissed girl.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." She smiled a bright, refreshing smile. It seemed to be contagious. She helped pick up all of his belongings and he thanked her with a smile.

"Thank you." Tucker replied as he was knelt down, eye-level with the girl. 

"No problem." She smiled brightly, and he blushed before quickly getting up and walking back to his desk. 

Elena was so nice, she had a big heart. She was kind and everyone seemed drawn to her. Maybe she did care what others thought.

Was Stella just not nice enough? Maybe if she was sweet and loving, and had a pretty smile and radiant energy, people would love her, too. She smiled at the thought of it, her helping people and making boys blush, everyone would love her. 

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