Chapter 13

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- Fast forward - 5 years later •
Junior year of high school

I woke up from my peaceful sleep to the sound of my alarm clock blaring. The sound nearly gave me a heart attack. I jolted awake and shut it off, sighing.

It was the first day of school. Junior year. You're probably wondering how the last few years of my life went. Let me fill you in.

Sixth grade was probably my worst year. That was the year I entered middle school, a year full of loneliness. I made one friend, and her name was Cindy. We were best friends. We had a great, fun friendship for about three months. It was a quick three months, because it ended as quickly as it started. Our friendship ended after a bad fight. I was obsessed with this girl, Elena. Of course it ended because of her.

The rest of sixth grade was filled with loneliness. I just went to school then came home. I never made any other friends, and that was the worst part.

Seventh grade came around. It was a fresh start for me. I promised myself that I would get myself out there more, and I would make friends.

Believe it or not, I managed to make a few decent friends. Their names are Zoey, Trisha, and Dexter. The reason I got along with them so well is because they're just like me. Quiet, awkward, struggling like me. I wasn't very close with them like I was with Cindy. It was more of a "only school" friendship thing. But it didn't matter to me. I was happy that I finally had people to talk to and sit with at lunch and in class.

Elena wasn't in any of my classes, as a matter of fact, she was in a whole different side of the school. I guess because of how smart she is, she was with the higher classes. Good for her.

It actually improved my life a little bit, realizing that I don't have to dwell and fixate on her. Instead, I did my own thing and talked with my small group of friends.

Eighth grade. This year was a bit different. Of course, my whole friend group was split up in different classes. I still had Trisha in some of my classes so we could talk. But we didn't have lunch together. The only person from my friend group that was in my lunch was Zoey. We sat together for the first few months, but we slowly drifted apart. There was no hard feelings, we just weren't that close. I still talked to her whenever I saw her, but I didn't take offense to it like I did with Cindy. I was avoiding making another mistake like that again.

Once I got to high school, things started to fall apart again.

Entering a new school, especially high school was nerve-wracking. I felt small. I was a typical loner freshman that got overlooked. The friends I had got split up even more, and there was a bunch of new faces in my classes. I hadn't realized how shy I was until I got to high school. This consisted of me sitting alone at lunch behind the football field's bleachers, playing on my phone and listening to music. I was definitely the shy, awkward and loner kid.

One day during lunch, I was sitting listening to music on the bleachers. I looked up and noticed a face I hadn't seen in a while, and wish I didn't.

Her. Elena.

She looked even better than before, how that was possible I don't know. Her hair was dirty blonde with platinum highlights. She wore minimal makeup and was walking with a huge group of people. Of course. If she was so popular in middle school, there's no doubt she would be popular as a freshman. I noticed she was walking with upper classmen too, in different grades. She was accepted by everyone.

That was the year I decided, I needed a change. Looking in the mirror at my frizzy dark hair, I started applying the bottle of bleach to my hair.

I dyed my hair blonde, similiar to hers. It was a spur of the moment thing. I don't know why I did. I felt slightly better. I even wore more makeup to get noticed. I did anything to become liked.

I was upset when I realized I just looked like the knock off version of Elena. I didn't look anywhere as pretty as her. Even with pounds of makeup and blonde hair.

This continued for the first two years of high school. I had no one. My old friends I would see in the hallways and say hi to, but that was the extent. I'm back to square 1.

And that brings us to the present now. First day of junior year.

I stood up and looked in the mirror at my reflection. My bleached hair desperately needed a touch-up. My dark roots were peaking.

I took a warm shower and picked my outfit out. I decided on a maroon colored shirt and a denim skirt, and white tennis shoes.

I applied a generous amount of makeup, concealing my imperfections and accentuating my eyes with neutral eye shadow and eyeliner, and lengthening mascara. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I stepped back, taking in my appearance. I have to say, I looked pretty decent. I didn't even look like myself. And that's what I liked the most.

I got in my car, taking a deep breath before putting the car in drive and making my way towards the school.

Oh, how I wish I knew what I was going to face that day.

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