He glanced up at me. "What else is going on?"

"It's just," I moved away from the counter and busied myself with collecting cans again. "Jared, you know? I'm just so over it. I'm tired of his sick game. I want this done. I can't do this anymore, Liam."

"Don't worry, we're working on it, remember? And now we have Tyler working with us. This will end soon."

"But will it end soon enough? At this point, it feels like we're never going to prove to Leah the scum that Jared actually is. He's got her wound so tight around his finger. God, I hate him."

We were both quiet for a moment, then I added,"Plus, how exactly are we going to do this?"

Liam shook his head."I don't know,"

Then he came over to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "But, we'll figure it out." He smiled. "We're the total dream team."

I laughed. "We sure are."

He held up his bag full of beer cans. "Now, come on. Let's finish up the kitchen and then let's head out into the party."


"Come on, just one dance! Don't leave me hangin' girl!"

"No, honestly, it's okay. I've got to go help with something, but dance on dude!" I said to a guy who had a bright purple mohawk and extremely, tight hot pink pants. He persistently kept asking me to dance with him and judging by the way that he had danced with other girls tonight, there was no way that I was going to.

I maneuvered in and out of the crowd, trying to distance myself from the loud, sweaty drunks as best that I could, but they were everywhere.

I was making my rounds, making sure that there wasn't anything seriously damaged when I ran into Jared. At this point, he worked up such a sweat dancing that he abandoned his button down shirt and was now in his undershirt with a freshly uncapped beer in his hand.

He took a swig of his drink and eyed me. "How are you liking the party?"

I scrunched my nose. "Not so much."

He laughed. "Yeah, you're no fun."

"Mmm, I'm sure that you're having a great time dancing with all of these randoms. Especially that girl over there with the super tight dress in the corner who keeps giving you the flirty stare."

"What? I haven't danced with her."

"Right, but you will. Hey, have you seen Leah?"

Jared narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, she's been around."

I ran a hand nonchalantly through my hair. "Hm, weird. I thought she'd be here with you."

"Look, we're not joined at the hip. She can be wherever she wants to be." He replied snarkily.

"Does that mean that she could be with whoever she wants to be with also?"

Jared threw up his hands in exasperation. "Would you quit talking like that? Stop being so damn confusing! What are you even trying to say?"

I put a hand on Jared's shoulder. "All I'm saying, is that you're little game is going to end soon. "


I nodded. "Yup, so have fun while it lasts."

His blue eyes hardened. "You don't have the guts. So, just keep your mouth shut before you get into some trouble."

"Oooh, look at the big bad Jared being all tough. That is one scary threat isn't it?" I said sarcastily.

"Threat?" Came a voice from behind us.

Both our heads whipped quickly to the direction of the voice. I was surprised to see that it was Leah.

"What threat?" She asked and furrowed her eyebrows. "Who's making a threat?"

"No one, babe. Kaitlyn just thinks that she's funny, right Kait." Jared said, putting his hands on Leah's shoulders.

Is he seriously looking to me for support?

"Jared's making threats." I said bluntly.

Leah's eyes widened to the size of tennis balls. "What? Jared what are you doing? Why are-"

"Leah, no," He interrupted her. "Kaitlyn's just had a lot to drink. She's a little bit tipsy so she doesn't even know what she's talking about. I mean, she just came over to me and started talking about how the mafia will get her or something."

He waved a hand in front of my face which I quickly slapped away. "See?" He said gesturing toward me. "She's delusional."

Leah squinted at me. "Well, she doesn't look drunk."

"That's because I'm not." I replied.

"No, Leah trust me. She's had a lot to drink, I saw her." Jared said almost panicking. He was starting realize that Leah was getting a bit harder to convince and persuade.

"Smell my breath, Leah. I haven't had an ounce of liquor." I urged.

Then suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my leg. My knee buckled and I stumbled forward. "Ahh," I yelled.

Jared grabbed my upper arm to steady me. "See? She's even falling. Kait, are you okay?"

I tried to shove my arm away from him but he held on. "I'm fine."

"No," Leah said. "Kait, you obviously aren't. You're even stumbling around! Here, come with me and I'll take you home-"

"No, I will," Jared said quickly. "Don't worry, I'll take her. You just stay here and entertain the guests. Alright, babe?"

Leah looked a bit unsure. "Really, I could just-"

"Honestly, it's okay. It'll only take like five minutes, she'll be home in no time." Jared went over and kissed her on the forehead and then he dragged me with him out to the front porch.

We were greeted with a chilly air, it was so cold that I could see my breath and even the stoners had abandoned their seats on the steps for the warmer indoors.

""Let go of me, idiot!" I shouted at Jared once we stopped walking.

"I'd be happy to," He said as he shoved me.

"Look, you-" I started to say.

Jared put a hand up. "No you look, you have five seconds to get off this porch, I'm not taking you home, you're gonna walk or whatever. If you try to come in, I'll lock you out."

"Excuse me, are you serious?" I asked incredulously.

"Dead serious. Now leave."

"But it's like nineteen degrees out here!"

Jared pointed at his head. "Look at my face, does it look like I care? Now leave."

I stared at him for a moment, completely astonished with him. He has officially reached a new level of low. I don't think anyone else can be this cruel.

I gave him one last look and started heading off the porch. I never realized how much power he had over everyone.

"Oh and Kaitlyn?" I heard him call out to me.

I turned to him, completely defeated. "What?"

"This "game" is far from over," And with that he slammed the wooden door as hard as he could.


I UPLOADED! Sorry for such a long wait guys, you know how I had the crazy situation with my lack of laptop, but I finally uploaded and I hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for sticking with me through this and please comment and tell me what you think! <3

Once a Cheater, Always a CheaterWhere stories live. Discover now