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Default - Maddison Beer

Weeks went by quickly and you couldn't be more grateful than before. Your relationship with Jimin only gets sizzling to the max until all of your best friends complaining they can't get you alone without your obsessive boyfriend trailing behind your ass everywhere.

Fucking sticky stamp. That's all your best friends calls Jimin. He has changes to be more protective, more obesessive and more and more. Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming with Taehyung just has to be a dramatic toddler always makes everything exaggerating, but it's nothing that you can't handle.

On the other hand, Jimin couldn't stop blabbering about you officially meeting his parents for the past week and right now you're on your way to their house to meet them. They will have a gathering for Parks family and invited you both to come. Nervous is an understatement and the anxiety always tries to rob your brain out but Jimin's sweet voice is never stopped reminding you that his parents loves you. Your bad experience with your ex's family shouldn't get in way because every family is different and you can't score everyone the same.

When you arrive, Jimin's parents are basically knocking you out with bone crashing hugs. Jimin just laughs seeing you awkwardly standing in a big grup hug before he joins in it too. After they usher you and Jimin inside, you learn that they're the most sweet and caring person in the world just like their son.

"Look! Doesn't he the cutest tiny mochi ever?" Mrs. Park cooes showing you an album full of baby Jimin's pictures.

"Mom, stop it! It's embarassing." He's pouting while you just shake your head and ignore him to keep flipping the album.

Until you stumble on his picture when he was in middle school with side long bangs covering his forehead and a rectangle glasses, you know right away that you have to take a photo of it and making it as your homescreen.

The happy chatter didn't stop until it's time to prepare. You help Mrs. Park with the food in the kitchen while Jimin helps Mr. Park to set the table for family gathering. They have decored the backyard into a friendly warm space with little decorative lamps for Parks family reunion.

At 5p.m, one by one Parks member comes into Jimin parents' house. They're all so sweet and kind, congratulating you and Jimin together after Jimin intoduced you to them. Your anxiety has been vanished, left only with warmth and contentment.

Everything is so perfect. It's almost too good to be true.

"We shall sit and start eating now. Dinner time is around the clock." Mrs. Park ushers all the family to sit on the table while she's serving the food with her husband's help.

They've been married for more than thirty years but their love is still up in the air. You hope your relationship with Jimin can be like theirs and your parents, long lasting until death do them part.

Everyone is eating the delicious meals while chatting contently. After that all family members just scattered all around the house doing their own thing, playing with kids or simply just talking while drinking.

You're sitting at the table with Jimin, eating some ice cream when a thud sounds of sliding door being open ripping everybody's attention to look their way to it. There, your body heat rises and you feel the chicken you ate earlier churns in your stomach.

"Sorry I'm late, aunty Park." Yoongi stands there with his signature gummy smiles and open arms, one hand holding a N°1 Saint-Cernin Blanc.

It's your favorite white wine.

His eyes automatically meet yours and you have to swallow back the dinner that rises in the base of your throat. If it's not because of Jimin's hand gripping your arm, you're surely had vomited all over the table right now.

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