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Inner Child - BTS

Entering the villa, you get greeted by an open space beige color living room which is connected with the dinning room. On the back of the dinning table is a huge sliding glass door where its lead to the backyard with the view of the ocean. There's also a pool and jacuzzi with several beach chairs on the backyard.

The kitchen is on the left side of the staircase, face to face with the dinning area and one bedroom on the right side of the staircase. A wooden floor is completed the beach house vibe. There's also a fire place in the living room, a big screen tv on top of it, a huge brown leather couch make an 'u' shape surrounding a square wood coffee table and a soft carpet underneath. This villa is surely a one of the dream beach house.

After you and Jungkook put all the groceries in the kitchen and brought your, Hoseok, and Mia's suitcases inside, you two are heading to the living room in a hurry because Seokjin's scolding is getting louder and high pitched every minute.

Turns out Taehyung, Hoseok and Mia broke Jimin's one of the bedroom door and one of Jimin's mom antique vase. You swear to god that you didn't sign for this kind of life.

Jimin is trying to convince Jin that everything is fine because no one's get hurt but Jin is not having it at all. The three of them just sit there on the couch with a slump shoulder and do not dare to move an inch.

Feeling your presence, Taehyung shifts his gaze from his lap to meet yours with pleading eyes, silently asking you to save them from their misery. You roll your eyes but still walking toward Jin's side and rub his broad shoulder to calm him down.

"Papa Bird, c'mon that's enough. I think they've got their lessons now." You mutter.

"They're such an embarassment, don't you see? It hasn't been thirty minutes and they're already acting like a wild animals!" He shouts at them as if he's their parent.

"We're sorry Jin. We promise to behave after this." Hobi mumbles. He looks like a helpless squirrel.

"It's not me you should apologize for, it's Jimin! You broke his house. I knew from the beginning that this trip was a bad idea!"

You sigh, "Hey okay enough. We're here to celebrate Taehyung's birthday, how can you said that?"

"Fine but still, they're will be grounded!" Seokjin sighs and massage his temple, "The three of you will be sleeping in the room where the door you broke earlier."

Mia, Hoseok, and Taehyung groans in defeat and you can't help but silently chuckle at them.

"I'm a girl, I can't sleep with these boys. I supposed to sleep with Y/N!" Mia whines as she looks at your direction with a pout.

Seokjin shakes his head, "I don't care! This is the consequence of your fault." You whisper a 'sorry' at Mia and she just huffs in surrender.

You really hope after this, the three of them will finally learn their lessons and not making a trouble because no one is dare to argue with an angry Kim Seokjin. No one. Mia has hang out a several times with Jin and other of your best friends so she knew well how Jin's character is because he's the oldest and he'll always being responsible of the younger.

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