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Let Me Love You - Justin Bieber feat DJ Snake
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Sitting inside your office, you've been busy the whole day managing a lot of papers and arranging new schedules for the models so they could get a christmas and new year's holiday.

It's seven days left until christmas and twelve days left until Taehyung's birthday. Don't worry you're not forgetting about his birthday present. Infact, you've already have it for a month ago. It's a limited edition of Gucci sunglasses. You hope that he's not gonna die when he opens your present.

You heave the biggest sigh for today as you're finally finished your work. Your phone dings from a new message coming in from Taehyung. He says that he bailed on your movie night slash sleep over because of some work matter.

Now he just added another torture of your boredom because Hobi is out on a business trip and Jin is busy preparing his new restaurant. You're contemplating to ask Mia, your co-worker for a night out but you're not sure if she's free.

You just don't feel to go home yet.

Tidying up your desk, you let out another sigh. You lean back onto your chair and close your eyes, trying to think something that can help you to kill the time then your phone suddenly rings from an incoming call. It's like God is answering your misery.

"Hello?" You answer still with eyes close, not bother to look on the caller ID.

"Hey Y/N, it's me Jimin." He beams on the other side.

What a coincidence.

You startle, open up your eyes and straighten your body in your seat. "Oh hey Jey. Whatsup?"

You and Jimin has been texting to each other lately and you could feel you both are getting close, as a friend. But this is the first time he calls you.

You can hear the sounds of the door being close and a dangling key, "Are you free now? Is your work time over?" He asks and follows by the sound of the car engine being turns on.

"Y-yeah my work is done. Is something the matter Jey?" You ask him confused.

"I'm picking you up now." And with that he ended up the call.

What the hell was that? Things that you've discovered after get to know Jimin is that he's kinda weird but in a good way and super spontanious. With a sigh, you put your phone inside you purse and walking out from your office, heading to the lobby to wait for him there.

"Okay, care to tell me what is going on?" You're currently sitting inside of Jimin's car.

"Nothing, I just miss you." He sends you the sweetest smile, making his eyes disappears.

You roll your eyes at him, "No you're not and stop playing. So tell me Jimin, what in the hell is going on right now?"

Jimin glances at your directions frowning, "I'm not playing Y/N, I really am missed you and I want to spend time with you." He pouts and you stare at him.

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