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Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
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It's a Sunday morning and you sit on the edge of your bed facing your windows, staring outside into nothing as you deeply in thought.

What went wrong? Were you really that easy to left with? Were you really that worthless to fight for? Is there something's wrong with you?

It's been two weeks since you broke up with Yoongi and you've been questioning yourself what is the reason Yoongi won't fight for your relationship, for you.

"He was the sweetest when we first dating." You mumble to yourself while exhaling a heavy sigh, remembering the first day when he confessed to you.


3 years ago~

It's been a month since your freshman year in college and your professor has been knocking you out with a lot of assignments.

Currently sitting on the cafetaria's table while slurping on your yogurt tea drink at lunch break, you're scrolling through instagram when you hear someone clearing his throat behind you.

Turning your head to the source, you see a blonde guy with thin lips and deep brown cat eyes shaped. You notice that his cheeks slightly in a pink shades.

Aaaww is he blushing? So cute.

"U-uum Hi." He stutters while scratching the back of his neck, standing stiff in front of you.

"Hi? Can I help you?"  You squint your eyes at him, tilting your head to the side.

"Yes u-um my name is Min Yoongi and I have a crush on you since the student orientation time. Can I have your number?"

You and your other two friends are staring at this Yoongi guy with jaws drop and shocked expression. Beside his kind of robotic lines he speaks earlier, you could tell that he doesn't like to get around the bush. Did you mention that he also cute?

Jin is the first who recovered from the shocked theraphy and nudges your shoulder to help you get your sense back. Feeling flustered, you can feel your cheeks getting hot by how this Yoongi guy looking at you as he's waiting for your answer patiently.

"Su-sure, I guess."

A wide smile forms on his thin lips and you couldn't stop yourself admiring his cute gummy smile. "This guy is gonna be a trouble for me." You can't help but to think that inside your head.

He gives you his phone to type in your phone number and you give his phone back to him after to save it. Then you hear the ringtone of your phone, alerts you there is an incoming call.

"That's my number, I'll be happy if you save it too. See you around, Y/N." He says and you nod at him with a shy smile, thinking from where he knows your name while watching him disappearing in the hallway.


A loud thud from your bedroom door brings you back from your deep thoughts. Adverting your gaze toward its direction, you see Hobi and Taehyung fall on top of each other on the floor while Jin is standing behind them with both arms crosses in front of his chest as he's shaking his head.

"For fucks sake! It's still ten in the Sunday morning and y'all already invading my privacy." Rolling your eyes with annoyance, you turn back to your previous position and not bothered to help them.

"Wow, I love how welcome this host to their guests." Taehyung sarcasms as he tries to push Hobi to the side.

"Yeah this is the warmest household ever." Jin retords, helping they both to stand up.

Not in the mood for joking around you hiss at them, "What do you guys want? If you guys try to drag me out again, I'm gonna chop all of your toes and feed it to my neighbor's dog."

Silence. No talking back.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you turn your head and got greeted by their nervous faces. Taehyung is avoiding eye contact while Jin is looking at the floor. Only Hobi who's dare to look straight into your eyes.

Pity. He looks at you with pity.

Something is odd, you can feel that they keep something from you and afraid to tell you. "What is it? What the hell is going on?"

"N-nothing Y/N everything is fi—" But before Jin could finish, Taehyung cut him off.

"He already has a girlfriend there. Clearly that he has been cheating on you this whole time, again." He finally manages to look at you in the eyes, "I'm sorry."

Fucking Traitor.

So it turns out that your uneasy feelings all this time was right. He was cheating on you, again. Since a month and a half ago when you found out that he's been constantly exchanging messages with 'someone' who he said that just an old friend of him.

All you can do is drop your gaze to the floor as tears start brimming in your eyes, ready to fall any second. It feels like someone is repeatedly stabbing your chest over and over again. Your breathing got hitched in your throat and unconsciously you start hitting your chest, trying to ease the pain in there.

"What did I do to deserve this? Am I really that worthless? Am I really that easy to replace?" You tremble.

Watching you breaking down all over again, three of your best friends jumps onto you and pulls you into a group hug while muttering calming words onto your ears. All of you stays like that for as long as you can remember until you calm enough and stop crying.

Standing up from your bed while wiping now your stained cheeks, you step toward your window. "I've decided to make a promise for myself."

Turning your body to face your best friends to only see their concern look toward you, "Starting from today, I will never ever have a relationship with anyone ever again."

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