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Butterfly Effect - Travis Scott

In the morning you're all greets Taehyung by singing happy birthday and surprise him with a cake that you, Hobi and Mia bought after you did the groceries and succeed to sneak in yesterday.

Jin woke up early and cooked the Seaweed soup for breakfast. You're all thank him for the food he cooked and eating happily in the dining room. Jin is the best cheft in the world.

Because of the weather temperature is so cold and not possible for all of you to play at the beach today, Jungkook suggests to go on roller skating and to an arcade. You're all cheers in excitement as you're heading to your room to get ready.

You go wash up and put on your outfit. It's a black high waisted cargo jeans with cream turtle neck sweater, cream and black baseball varsity jacket and a pair of black and white nike air. You untie your braided hair which you've been left overnight so you can get natural wavy hair in the morning. Last, you wear a black beanie to keep your ears warm.

You apply minimal make up as usual with your favorite rossy tint lipcream. As you're finishing your last look, you can see Nari is standing at the bathroom door wearing a nude coat with white blouse and plaid golf skirt underneath, brown leather high ankle boots until its reach above her knees. She's eyeing you from head to toe.

"Eemm, are you gonna wear that?" She points at your outfit.

"Are you?" You point back at her outfit.

"Yeah? What's wrong with this?"

"What's wrong with this?" You repeat her question.

Nari rolls her eyes, "You dress like a boy."

"So? It's snowing outside. I'm not planning to freeze to death and this is how I always dressed up." You say briefly, spraying your parfum.

"Why? You're not confident with your body?"

Great. She's the annoying type of bitch.

"In fact, I'm really confident with my body and my body is really precious to me. That's why I don't show many of my skin because only cheap things will lower their appearance to get more attention." You say as you're walking out from the bathroom and slightly bump on her shoulder.

"Excus me?" She scoffs.

"You're excuse." You smile, taking your purse and go out to head downstairs.

Just be patience and smile, it's just two more days.

Everybody is already waiting in the living room when you get downstairs and few minutes later Nari follows behind you with a fake smile on her face. Jimin stands up and smiles at you and you smile back at him with red cheeks.

Jimin is wearing green fluffy coat with black shirt underneath, black fitted jeans and his signature black boots. God damn sexy.

"Let's just bring two cars. Namjoon, Nari, Mia and Hobi you guys come with me. And the rest of you go with Jimin." Jin says.

"Yeay! I'm driving." Taehyung beams, snatching Jimin's car key from his hand and running outside to hop in his car.

You just shake your head, chuckling at Taehyung's enthusiasm and walk up to the car. When you're about to open the passanger door, Jungkook shoves your hand away. "I'm sitting at the front, you at the back with Jimin." He chirps and plops himself at the passanger seat.

Okay relax, it's just a ride don't make it awkward. Calm down. Everthing is gonna be okay.

You bite your bottom lip, suddenly feeling nervous to get in the back seat. Jimin is already standing there with his signature eye smile, waiting by the door for you to get in. You thank him before getting in and Jimin hops in the other side after he close your door.

Why does he has to smile like that? Why does he has to cause butterfly in your stomach?

You're slightly freeze on your seat when Jimin leans forward toward you, "Put your seatbelt, babygirl." He buckles up your seatbelt, "And you look beautiful." He murmurs, smirk evidence in his plump rossy lips. You can feel his breath fanning on your cheek because how close he is.

This is a murder attempt. He's trying to kill you with his charm.

"T-thanks Jey." You clear your throat and feel your cheeks burn. Jimin leans back with a smile and buckles up his seatbelt as Taehyung starts to drive to the mall.


Since you've arrived at the mall and got out off the car, Jimin keep holding your hand the entire time and you just let him be. From the moment when you were playing on the roller skate ring until you go to the arcade, Jimin not once let go of your hand. All of your best friends are sending you a look with a smirk on their faces, making you to glare at them but they're all snicker back at you.

Not gonna lie, holding Jimin's hand makes your heart warm and feel safe beside him. You really like his tiny hand that is not tiny for you wraps around yours.

After four hour, you're all tired and a bit hungry from playing all day. You decide to buy some food by go to the food court centre. You're waiting in line with Mia, about to order your food when you turn around to look at your table direction, and a frown form on your face. There, you see Nari is giggling with Jimin with her hand land on his shoulder.

Mia notices your annoyed look so she turns to look at the direction you see. "Someone is jealous."

You click your tongue, "Why should I? He's not my boyfriend."

"Oh my god! You like him, don't you?!" Mia laughs making you to glare at her.

"No, I'm not!"

"Pfft, sure you're not. It's not obvious at all." She sneers and you just huff in annoyance, glancing back at Jimin.

Now they're laughing at each other as Nari's hand grips on his arm. Suddenly, Nari's gaze is locked with you with a smirk on her ugly face.

So, another mother fucker wants to play? Let's fucking play then.

You walk back to the table after ordered your food and sit beside Jimin. As if on cue, Jimin adverts his gaze on you and gives you his attention. You can feel Nari is getting annoyed on the other side.

See who's his girl, now? So back the fuck off bitch.

Nari is trying to get Jimin's attention back on her but you take Jimin's hand and intertwined it with yours. Now Jimin's attention is full on you as you both chatting happily. You send your victory smirk at Nari  by flipping your hair back and she just rolls her eyes in response.

After all of you finish eating your food, you're heading to the parking lot and drive back to the villa. It's already late in the afternoon when you arrive but everybody is hanging out a little bit in the living room before heading to the room, getting ready for the dinner later.

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