Chapter 10: Pack Bond

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~ Once formally initiated into a pack the only way to break that bond is through either death or exile ~

I continue to make my way home, ignoring my mate who is following closely behind. I don't need this right now. The last thing I need to worry about is my mate rejecting me, I have bigger fish to fry - that being Cain and my father...

I try my best to focus on other things such as the cracked pavement and the vacant road; anything really to avoid thinking about Hunter. It's not long before I make it back to the house. I hurry inside, escaping Hunter's brooding gaze. Once in my room I drop to the floor. Hugging my knees close to my chest I let it all out and begin to sob. The one thing that kept me going all these years... the one thing that I desired the most is out of my reach. I ended up with a mate who not only despises me but will harm me in the long run. I continue to weep as I mourn the loss of my dream, my mate, my one true love. We met less than 24 hours ago and since then my whole life has shattered. I was in pieces anyway given the events that have transpired over the last few days but this has made me lose any hope that was left. I mourn the loss of what could've been and will never be. 

"You miss them, right?" Kyra inquires solemnly as she makes her way over to me. I jolt at the sound of her voice; not realising that anyone was even in the room with me. She curls up next to me, her back leaning against the wall. "I miss my parents too..." she says, beginning to tear up. "My parents were Omega's like me, even though we were only servants they did everything they could to make sure both me and my younger brother were happy. And I was, but now..." she trails off, tears falling down her cheeks. 

I scoot closer, offering my shoulder for her to cry on. "I just don't understand. How did everything end up like this?! How did... how did-" she cries loudly into my shoulder. I take her into an embrace and rub her back as she wails. "For what it's worth, I understand completely. We're all going through the same thing..." I say, trying my best to console her. It's been a hard few days for us all. We've all lost our loved ones and our home. Even though my situation is slightly different I can still relate to the pain that she feels. I just hope that they'll find Fenwick and Cain soon...

Without warning Kyra clutches her head in between her hands and begins to scream in pain. "Kyra..." I say, worried. She continues to screech. With no sign of stopping I start to panic. What the fuck is going on? "Kyra. What's wrong?" I ask, trying to make sense of what the issue is. All of a sudden the screaming stops and she falls limp to the floor. 

"Kyra..." I move a few strands of her brown hair from her eyes to see them closed. She's passed out. I attempt to lift her up to move her to the bed but my efforts prove futile. I am not strong enough to carry her. I pull out my flip phone from my hoodie pocket and call Rue. It rings for a little while before it cuts out asking me to leave a message. I sigh before deciding to ring Jacques. It doesn't ring for more than a few seconds and he picks up. 

"Sarah, is something wrong?" he asks. "Kyra started screaming in pain and now she's passed out. I can't get ahold of Rue" I say, my heartbeat quickening. "Alright, calm down. Are you at the house?" he queries, worry evident in his voice. "Yes..." I say faintly. "Okay, I'm on my way" he says before hanging up. What if something happened to Rue too... 

As I sit there waiting for Jacques to arrive I remember my little sister Scarlett. Shit, shit, shit. I was supposed to pick up Scar from school. I jump to my feet and begin to make my way out of the house, I stop for a brief moment remembering Kyra. Shit. Sorry Kyra. Jacques will be here soon anyways. 

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