Chapter 31: Consequences

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~ Burying your issues can only lead to more problems down the line ~

As Hunter begins his assault all we can do is stare at the scene unfolding before us. A loud, piercing scream pervades the empty hall, its echoes bouncing off of the walls as Leah drops to the floor. We continue to gawp in disbelief as crimson pools beneath the tall blonde. His lashes unceasing, force us to come to our senses, to realise what exactly is happening in front of our very own eyes. 

"Hunter... stop... please..." the two werewolves plead through incessant sobs. He, however, pays no attention and continues to strike the girl below him. A short blue-eyed teacher - Mr. Boucher, dives from the side at Hunter; prying him off of the defenceless blonde. He struggles to restrain the frenzied werewolf as they tussle on the ground. "ONE OF YOU GO AND GET PRINCIPAL SHAW RIGHT NOW!!!" he yells, continuing to grapple with a crazed Hunter. 

Without needing any further instructions Sadie bolts down the corridor, making her way over to the head teacher's office. I goggle at Leah, watching as blood gushes out of the long gaping wound beginning from her neck and ending close to the top of her stomach.

The scene changes suddenly. The hallway turns into a dark basement and Leah takes the shape of my mother. Mum? 

I am taken back to the night of the Blood Moon Ceremony; forced to relive my mother's death, her demise. I watch as she lays helplessly at the bottom of the stairs coughing up blood. There is nothing I can do. Nothing I can do to save her. "Mum..." I whisper, the tears welling in my eyes beginning to cloud my vision. I drop to the floor as I wail. "Mum!" I cry. Her coughing ceasing, her breath halting, her movements concluding and with that the world fades to black. 

With a fright I awake in my room with tear-stained cheeks and sweat pouring down the sides of my face. "Are you alright?" a sweet, mellow voice asks from beside me. Sitting up I turn to look at a worried Kyra sat on the edge of my bed. "I'm alright... I think" I respond, sounding quite unsure of myself. "Jacques told me what happened when I got back from school; it certainly is a good thing that you rejected that boy" she states. I stare blankly into space. Didn't I take back that rejection? I don't even know anymore. 'You did' Kali reminds me. Well, maybe I shouldn't have done that...

"So... Jacques brought me back?" I inquire. "Yeah, you've been out for hours; it'll start getting dark soon" she says, causing me to sigh. I swear it's not my fault that I keep missing school. "On a lighter note I've made a new friend" she chirps, trying to lift the mood. "Oh?" 

"Her name's Millie, she asked me if I wanted to have lunch with her today instead of on my own" she adds. "That's nice; I'm glad that you're finally making some friends" I mention, trying to sound happy for her but struggle as my mind wanders back over the events of today. 

As an awkward silence begins to overcome us a knock is heard at the front door. I urge Kyra to check on Scarlett before making my way downstairs. I open the door to see Noah looking down at me sympathetically. I walk out and close the wooden door behind me and guide the tall werewolf over to the steps on the porch. We sit still, neither of us wanting to be the first to speak. 

"So... how's Leah doing?" I ask, figuring that we shouldn't waste anymore time and just cut to the chase. "Leah's not so great; her condition is critical and the pack doctor's aren't sure if she'll be able to pull through" he says solemnly, looking out towards the forest. "So... she may die?" I ask rhetorically, my gaze falling to my lap. My mate might have just killed someone. 

"For Hunter's sake I hope she can make it; Leah's parents are out for blood. I think the only way he'll be forgiven is if she can make a full recovery, preferably sooner rather than later" he comments. "Speaking of Hunter, he's been sent away to a camp for troubled teen werewolves out of town and probably won't be coming back anytime soon" he adds forcing my head to snap up. Wait? He's gone?

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