Chapter 13: Silver Streaks

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~ Silver runs through my blood - silver is what makes me human ~

I awake to sunlight filtering through the half drawn curtains. I sit up and glance over at my sleeping little sister. As she snores softly I place my hand over her forehead. Still quite warm. I sigh and make my way over to the vacant bathroom to get ready for the day. I slept really well last night... strange. I didn't have any nightmares and I woke up feeling... content. How weird.

After a quick shower I brush my teeth and place my coloured contacts in before heading back to the bedroom. I senselessly throw some clothes on and then make my way down to the kitchen. I walk in to see Rue frying something on the hob. I peer over her shoulder, appalled at the black sausages sizzling in the pan. "I think... you've cooked them long enough" I mumble, staring at what was supposed to be our breakfast horrified. She's burnt them to a crisp. I cry internally at the thought of tasting her cooking. 

She curses under her breath as she plates up the food. I sit down at the small table nervously. She places down a plate in front of me and then takes a seat on the opposite side of the table. Burnt bacon. Burnt eggs. Burnt sausages. Burnt baked beans. Burnt toast. Burnt tomatoes. Burnt mushrooms and a burnt hash brown. I think I should just pass...

"I tried; I know how disappointed you were when you couldn't eat the Full English Arthur made, so I tried to recreate it..." she shakes her head, looking down embarrassed. "I've never been the best at cooking" she adds before attempting to cut into the rock solid hash brown. Yeah, I can tell. With great effort she manages to cut it in two. I watch as she puts half of it into her mouth before subsequently spitting it back onto her plate. "Bitter..." she mutters, refusing to make eye contact. Oh, dear. I will definitely pass on this one.

"Is Kyra still sick?" I ask, trying to take our attention away from the monstrosity before us. "Ah, yes. She woke up but she's still quite weak so she'll be taking the day off. Why is Scarlett not down?" she pushes the plate aside, not wanting to look at it anymore. "Scar had a fever last night" I reply, also pushing my plate to the side. "Is she still burning up?" she inquires to which I nod. "Okay well I'll sort that out with the school. As for breakfast, just grab something quick on your way out. I can't even bear to look at this" she says before grabbing the two plates and taking them away. "Alright, I'll see you later then" she nods as I pick up my backpack and head for the door, grabbing an apple on the way out. 

I make my way to the school, taking in the cool breeze and the vibrant trees. It's then that it hits me. Shit. What am I going to do about Hunter? He's going to grill me about last night, isn't he? I walk through the front doors of the school anxiously. A hand lightly clasps my wrist and drags me over to a nearby empty classroom. Of course he was waiting for me. 

He lets go of my wrist and just stares at me for a few moments, his expression unreadable. What? No backing me into the wall? "What's this about?" I ask, looking him up and down suspiciously. "We need to talk" he states, his voice calm and his gaze soft. Well, look who's changed his tune. "What are you?" my eyes widen at his question. "Don't try and lie either because I know you're not human" he states, peering at me curiously. What the actual fuck do I tell him? I wasn't expecting this; I was only expecting him to ask me how I know about his kind not... what I am. Quick, think Wanette. 

"I don't know what you're talking about" 'Cause feigning ignorance is gonna convince him. Nice one Wanette. "I just told you not to lie. Now I'm gonna ask you one more time, what are you?" he asks, backing me into the whiteboard, every step slow and calculated. "And why are you wearing contact lenses? Is it to cover up your real eye colour?" Shit. What? He can tell? My heart begins to race as his face inches closer to mine. I guess I have no choice, I have to confess... I have to do something. 'Wanette, don't...' the same voice I heard from last night whispers but once again I ignore it. 

"I, Wanette Argent, reject you, Hunter Gauthier as my mate" I utter, my voice unwavering as I stare at him dead in the eyes. He bends over, clutching his chest in pain and gritting his teeth. I brace myself against the whiteboard as an intense burn spreads throughout my body. He falls to his knees, his hand still over his heart. Did I make a mistake? I slide down to the floor as tears threaten to spill from the pain, both physical and emotional. I have never experienced a pain like this; nothing Cain or my father ever did made me feel this hurt. 

"You're... a... were... wolf" he says through gritted teeth. I can feel liquid start to trickle down my lips and chin, leaving a metallic taste in my mouth. I begin to cough, blood splattering everywhere and all over Hunter. Am I... going to die? I place my hand over my mouth as I cough again, the silver streaks within more prominent than a few nights before. "Silver... why is there... silver... in your... blood?" he asks breathlessly, more to himself than to me. Through blurred vision I see Hunter begin to crawl over to me as my world fades to black.


Author's note

Will Hunter accept the rejection? Or will he change his mind now that he's starting to figure out the truth?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As of right now I plan to release 1-2 chapters every Friday. Any feedback both positive and negative will be greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a story like this so I hope that it turned out alright.

Thank you for reading!



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