Chapter 14: Poison

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~ Silver blocks the bond between wolf and human causing a breakdown of the system ~

Silver. Silver door. Hard. Hard floor. Dead. Dead bodies. I stand amongst the bodies of my fallen siblings in the basement. The air fills with a metallic substance, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Maeve, Talon, Tristan, all lay lifeless in a pool of their own blood. From the shadows a serpent approaches - Cain. With nowhere to run or hide I slowly backup into the wall, shaking violently as I sob. I'm going to die. With a sinister grin on his face, the snake slithers closer. I close my eyes, praying for this to end. 

Warmth. I feel warmth. Calm. I feel calm. Safe. I feel safe. I open my eyes to meet deep red ones, the shade of the Blood Moon. He takes me into a warm embrace, shielding me from Cain and from the horrors of my past. The basement fades away; now a distant memory. None of that matters anymore. None of that can hurt me anymore. In the light of the Blood Moon no harm shall come to me henceforth.

I hear chatter all around me as I slowly begin to regain consciousness. My eyes flutter open, meeting the ceiling. I sit up. Looking around I find myself on a large double bed with Hunter and some werewolf in a white coat next to me - a pack doctor.

"Oh good! She's awake. I've given her some fluids with some dimercaptosuccinic acid and glutathione, those should help her body clear the silver out of her bloodstream faster. I've got an operation on a pup at 5 so I have to get running. Oh and make sure she takes the medication once daily 30 minutes after food for a few weeks as it gets cleared from her system and make sure that she gets plenty of rest. Other than that she should be as good as gold soon enough!" the man explains before taking his leave to see to his other duties.

I guess I somehow ended up in Hunter's room. I sigh internally. How am I going to get out of this one? He sits down on the bed next to me. My head snaps towards him as he takes my hand in his. Why is he acting like this all of a sudden? Didn't he hate me like just a few hours ago? 

"They discovered large amounts of silver in your blood, you've been poisoned..." he says while rubbing circles on the back of my hand. Silver? Poisoned? The door to the basement did all this damage? I stare at him confused, furrowing my eyebrows. "The silver's probably what made you smell like a human. Why didn't you say anything when I tried to reject you the first time?" he asks, gazing at me softly. I look back at him dumbfounded. He cannot be serious? 

"Why does it even matter? You treated me like that because you thought I was a human, but I was your mate first and foremost and you still acted that way. Scaring my little sister was the icing on the cake. She's been through a lot and you just made everything worse" I snatch my hand from his grasp and turn away from his gaze. "Just accept the rejection already and we can be done with each other" I state, pulling the IV drip out of my arm. "No" he says, his tone firm and assertive. 

My head snaps up to meet his eyes. Say what? No? Isn't this what he wanted in the first place? I stare at him, speechless. There's no way... "You're not human, the silver just made you as weak as one. I should've trusted the Moon Goddess to begin with and not have jumped the gun. Take back the rejection and we can start the mating process after you recover" he declares, taking my hand in his once again. I stay there unmoving, my jaw relaxing and my mouth open. Did he just say what I think he said? I continue to gape at his sheer audacity and try my best to ignore the butterflies bubbling in my stomach.

'Mate... he wants us...' that voice again in the back of my mind whispers excitedly. No, he doesn't. He just thinks he does, but when he finds out that we're half human that's it for us. Wait. Us? I mean me. I rub my temple with my free hand, the stress and pressure getting to me causing a headache. I'm actually losing my mind.

"I'll go and get you something to eat and drink. You need to get some meat on your bones if you're going to be my mate, the malnourished look isn't that attractive" he says getting up from the bed and leaving the room. I roll my eyes. Great. So I'm ugly on top of everything. Hearing that definitely makes me want to take back my rejection. Not. 

I wait a few minutes before springing to my feet and peaking my head around the corner. I need to get out of here. I sneak out of the room and down the hallway lined with countless doors. Shit, dead end. I promptly turn around to make my way to the other side of the hallway. 'No! mate... needs us' I shake my head, trying my best to ignore the pleas coming from the voice inside my head. Rounding a corner I am met with a solid oak staircase. How fancy. I hurriedly make my way down. 

Cedarwood and Vetiver invade the air. Shit. He's close, I have to move quickly. I run in the opposite direction of the trail his scent made, desperate to escape. I stop in my tracks as I bump into someone's chest. Noah. "Woah. Wait... Sarah. What are you-" I clamp my hand over his mouth and shake my head. "I need to get out of here" I say, breathing heavily. He nods before guiding me through the winding hallways to the front entrance of the packhouse. 

We rush over to the parked cars outside and jump into Noah's Toyota. Once we set off I sigh, a feeling of relief washing over me. "So... you gonna tell me what's going on with you and Hunter or...?" he asks, his eyes not leaving the small sinuous country road. Can I trust him? At this point I don't think I have much of a choice do I?

"You can't tell anyone; it's top secret information" I say, my eyes fixed on the lush green trees speeding past. "I'll tell you once we're far enough away from the packhouse..." he nods curtly and silence soon overcomes us for the rest of the journey. 

He takes me all the way back to the safehouse. He turns the engine off and twists his body towards me, looking at me expectantly. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. "He's my mate" I announce; opening one eye to gauge his reaction, surprised when there isn't one. "I already know that. When I asked you what was going on between you both I meant why are you fighting the bond" he chuckles. Wait. What? He already... "So I'm guessing Hunter told you about us then? You know being werewolves" I stare into space, dumbfounded. Oh. He doesn't know that I'm not human.

I nod, going along with the lie that he's set up for me. "What happened between you two? There seems to be a lot of tension and..." I tail off, noticing his shift in demeanour. I take it that's a touchy subject then...

"Make sure not to miss any more classes, yeah" he laughs, breaking the awkward silence that ensued. I jump out of the car and wave goodbye. As he pulls away I enter the wooden house, a scream coming from upstairs startling me. 


Author's note

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As of right now I plan to release 1-2 chapters every Friday. Any feedback both positive and negative will be greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a story like this so I hope that it turned out alright.

Thank you for reading!



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