Chapter 22: Delusion

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~ How the tables have turned ~

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!" he yells, causing the girl beside him to flinch from the sudden outburst. "GET OUT!" he barks, his eyes narrowing as he glares at me. We all stand motionless, the brunette glancing between us nervously. "I SAID GET OUT!" he repeats, his eyes not once leaving mine. I begin to turn around to take my leave, figuring that it might be best to just talk to him once he's calmed down somewhat. 

"NOT YOU!" he shouts, making me stop in my tracks. Great, just great. "YOU! GET OUT!" he screams. The girl then rushes past me not sparing another look. I turn back around to meet his scrunched up face, looking at me with pure disgust and disdain. "I think there's been a misunderstand-" I begin but am swiftly cut off. "WHAT IN THE GODDESS' NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I WOULD WANT A DISGUSTING MONSTER LIKE YOU?!" he yells, stomping over until he is mere inches away from my face. "I'm not a-" 

"I, HUNTER GAUTHIER, REJECT YOU, WANETTE ARGENT AS MY MATE" he howls, his eyes darkening. A piercing pain shoots through my heart, causing me to fall to my knees. I look up through tear filled eyes to see him also fighting against the pain. Kali wails before disappearing; as if she was never even there to begin with.

A warm, red liquid begins to trickle down the side of my mouth, hitting the floor as it drips from my chin. As the pain starts to subside for the both of us I rise from the ground to stand before him. "I'm not a-"

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOUR KIND! DO EVERYONE ELSE A FAVOUR AND GO BATHE IN SOME HOLY WATER" he screams at the top of his lungs before spitting in my face. Julian sprints through the door, standing between us taking a protective stance.  

"What is wrong with you? Lower your voice and have some respect" he states in an assertive tone. "RESPECT?! FOR A VAMPIRE?!" he scoffs, spitting in his face before turning on his heel and slamming the door shut behind him.

"Are you okay? He didn't hurt you did he?" he asks, turning around to inspect my face. I shake my head, my eyes look towards the ground and meet his feet. "Here, look up for a sec" he says softly before taking out a tissue to wipe the blood and Hunter's saliva off. "The last thing you want is that dog's drool ruining that pretty face of yours" he chuckles lightly but stops upon seeing my detached expression. I stare off into the distance, trying my best to hold the tears back.

He doesn't say anything, just takes me into a warm embrace. Feeling safe in his arms I allow the tears to fall and begin to sob quietly into his chest. He runs his fingers down my long, blonde hair, comforting me. We stay like this until my crying eventually comes to a halt, the pain and sorrow all out of my system. I begrudgingly pry myself out of his arms and meet his bright emerald green eyes. 

"If he ever tries to bother you again let me know and I'll handle it and if I were you I'd avoid all the werewolves here as much as possible from here on out" he says, his gaze soft as he looks down at my shaken form. I nod sheepishly, nervous about being left alone with him - a vampire. Kali?


Kali??? I try to get her to come out from her hiding spot in my mind but to no avail, the events of this morning proving too much for her to handle. The bell rings, signalling the start of the first class. Remembering everything that Rue and Kali have said prior to this morning's events I run out of the empty classroom and away from Julian without a second thought. I can't let my guard down even if I want to.

I hurry to get to my first class of the day - Biology. I walk into the half empty classroom and over to the teacher's desk. He points to the empty seat next to Leah, causing me to roll my eyes. Oh you have got to be kidding me. As I make my way over her blue eyes meet mine. She scoffs, turning her head away from me as I take the seat beside her. 

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