Chapter 12: Failed Rejection

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~ No bond is severed and neither of us feel the pain of rejection ~

My eyes flutter open meeting a bright light that causes me to squint. I am met with the concerned faces of Noah and Abigail as I prop myself up in the beanbag. "What... happened?" I ask as I rub my temple, my mind foggy. Where am I even? Is this the counsellor's office?

"You've been out all day! We were so worried! I told Noah that we should take you to the hospital; I thought you must be in a coma or something, but he just told me that you'll be fine..." she states, her hands sweeping all over the place. "Her passing out doesn't mean she's gonna end up in a coma Abby" he chuckles. "Oh, whatever" she huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and turning her head away dramatically. 

"So... is anyone going to tell me what happened or...?" I ask. "Oh yeah right! There was a fight between Hunter and Ryan, it was so weird they're like besties. It came right out of left field. Then you started stumbling around and collapsed!" she explains her voice raising slightly. "But oh my God get this! When you were falling Julian caught you! Like THE Julian! It was like a scene out of a movie! Julian Montgomery! The school's sweetheart! You're so lucky!" she squeals, her smile widening. Julian? Those eyes... were they his?

"Who's-" I begin to inquire but am cut off by an excited Abby. "Julian is the sweetest! I didn't tell you about him yesterday because he wasn't here but Julian is like top boy!" she exclaims. "I thought you said Hunter was top-" I start. "Yeah! Hunter and Julian compete for top spot. It's all about your preference really. Hunter is the bad boy type, the type to break your heart and only have you for a one night stand. A lot of girls like the rough around the edges look for some reason, beats me. But, Julian is the opposite, he's proper boyfriend material! He's sweet and kind and get this... he's a straight A student. Julian is my type! He's so dreamy! He's so-" she says, her eyes twinkling as she looks up; getting lost in the sauce. 

"We get it. Julian is amazing. Julian is this, Julian is that. You like Julian. We get it" Noah says matter-of-factly. "What?! No I don't! It's just a lot of girls say that about him" she denies, her hand gestures becoming more animated. "Well, I think Hunter is better" he declares. "What no way! How can you prefer Hunter when you hate him?! Julian is way better!" she retorts, offended by Noah's comment. I watch as they continue to bicker back and forth arguing about who is better, Hunter or Julian. 

The real question is, why does Noah hate Hunter? I mean it is quite strange for him to be hanging out with humans and not the other werewolves at school. Is it because of Hunter then? I shake my head at the two quarrelling and smile lightly. I push myself out of the beanbag and stand, catching the attention of my two new friends. "What lesson do we have next?" I ask, interjecting their little dispute. "It's the end of the day, the last class ended a few minutes before you woke up" he replies, getting up to stand also. "I see..." I mumble, aimlessly glancing around the room. 

"I'll take both you and Abby home; my car's parked outside" he states before heading for the door. We all head towards the entrance of the school, chatting along the way. Once outside Noah guides us towards a dark blue Toyota. I hop in the back, sitting behind Noah who's in the driver's seat. "I have to pick up my little sister Sc-I mean Grace from elementary" I say, almost slipping up. Thank Goddess, neither of them seemed to notice. "Alright, we'll pick her up on the way" he says before starting the engine and reversing out of the parking spot. 

"I forgot to ask back there, but who's Cain?" he queries, eyes focused on the road ahead. I stay silent upon hearing this. How does he know Cain? Is he working with him? Am I in danger? Goddess... help! My heart begins to pump faster, I am sure Noah would be able to sense this. I'm screwed...

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