Chapter 18: A New Dream

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~ The eyes of the Blood Moon bring about more questions than answers ~

'Mate?' Kali mutters, confused. I stare into his bright emerald green eyes both in awe and confusion. As I take in his appearance I am left stunned. His dark brown hair falls from the top of his head in coils, complimenting his tanned complexion. His eyes sparkle like a gemstone making me weak at the knees. He's the most beautiful man I have ever seen! 

He smiles softly as he peers down at my rather small frame in comparison. I am rendered speechless as I continue to stare into his eyes, a small spark ready to ignite the flame. 'It can't be...' Kali mumbles, taken aback. How is this possible? I have another mate? A... second chance?

'He's not a second chance mate, he's not... one of us' she remarks. Now that you mention it, he doesn't smell like a werewolf... but he also doesn't smell human. 'I don't know what he is but I fear this may be a trap. We need to get away from him, Wanette' she says, trying to convince me to run away from him. I have read about many other beings in this world but have never had the opportunity to see them in person, therefore I am only able to identify the scent of humans and werewolves. 

We stand in front of each other unmoving, causing students to whisper around us. I am too preoccupied with this man to take notice. The pull is there but it's not as strong as the pull I feel towards Hunter. If this isn't the mate bond then what is it? If he isn't my mate then who is he? 

Just as I'm gathering my thoughts to talk to him, Cedarwood and Vetiver fill the space, overpowering the Sandalwood and Neroli coming from this green-eyed boy standing before me. The smell forces me to snap my head in Hunter's direction. Kali growls as Hunter walks towards us, an obsessed Leah on his arm. He glances between me and the boy, a look of pure disgust on his face. Leah smirks, looking proud as if she has won the game. Uh, you can have him then.

'No! She can't!' Kali seethes. I can feel her anger beginning to overcome me. Calm down. I struggle to keep her contained, afraid that she'll try and do something in a school full of humans. Without a word Hunter guides Leah away into the janitor's closet nearby. Kali's anger erupts inside of me as she tries to push forward. 'We have to stop him!' she yells, a hint of sadness making its way through the anger. Kali please... there's nothing we can do. 'I'm going to kill her!' she screams. 

Hearing this I dart out of the school, knowing that I need to get away before Kali does something drastic. I run as fast as I can towards the outskirts of town, making my way to the forest. I sprint through the trees until I am far enough away from prying eyes. I brace myself against a tree trunk, still desperately fighting against my wolf. 'We need to go back!' she cries. Kali, we can't stop him; he's made his choice. 'This is your fault! If only you would listen to me!' she wails, now blaming me for Hunter's poor life choices. 

Twigs snap from behind. I don't take the time to investigate and start to run again. I'm not risking it. My glasses get flung off of my face as I trip over a fallen tree. I roll onto my back, still battling the emotions emanating from Kali. I cover my eyes as they begin to burn. What's happening?

I quietly hiss in pain as the burn intensifies. A hint of Sandalwood and Neroli invades my senses. The boy - he's here. My battle to keep Kali from taking over ends in failure and I am pushed to the back of my mind. I can sense the boy standing over my trembling form. Large, soft hands cover my own. I shudder at the sudden contact. He pulls my hands away from my eyes, forcing me to meet his. His eyes, no longer a bright emerald green colour, are now a deep coppery red. Blood Moon.


Author's note

A fairly short one! But definitely not insignificant! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As of right now I plan to release 1-2 chapters every Friday. Any feedback both positive and negative will be greatly appreciated. This is my first time writing a story like this so I hope that it turned out alright.

Thank you for reading!



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