121: He's Getting Sussy

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A/N: Dang so like I'm having irl man problems 🙄 Shit is crazy bruh he's trying to play hard to get but the issue is is that I don't work like that and I will only like you if you give me back the same energy 🙄 Smh men


You are so tired of talking about things with people sometimes. You don't want to be a dick-bag because what your friends say and how they feel is genuinely so important to you. But man does it get... too much, sometimes.

And when a person goes through all the shit you go through on a daily basis, the last thing you need on your pile of growing stress is to worry about your ghost friend who might be cursed with something that is causing some type of deterioration in his spirit and willpower.



After returning from your shift at the Mostro Lounge, Venus thought now would be a wonderful time as any to talk. You two were standing in the field that occupies the space in front of the Ramshackle dorm. It could be called the front yard of the dorm if it wasn't just dead grass and the occasional dandelion full of yellow petals. Soon the petals will fall off and the dandelions will have a head of fragile, white seeds ready to be blown away and planted somewhere else.

What a beautiful life cycle. If only you and Venus were privy to such a peaceful end as well.

But from what he just told you...

You furrow your brows, your eyes filled with stubbornness. "No, there's–It's going to be fine, Venus. Crewel and I agreed to keep investigating in secret with Pyro and Kaiko, we'll find more answers, I'm sure of it. If it's related to Xavier White and whatever, we'll figure it out."

The fox only looks at you with a mix of pity and sympathy. "Please, don't make me regret telling you, [Y/n]. It's fine, I've... I've already made peace with it. I've been trying my best this past week to think of a last wish, something you can easily grant me before it's too late."

"Shut up about that. I'm going to be so pissed when I save your ass and you made me worry all for nothing, so shush."

"I don't want you to see me become something I'm not." Venus continues with a serious voice, ignoring your silent plea for him to just shut up. "I want your lasting memory of me to be this. Someone worth remembering."

Your eyes burn, but you refuse to cry. You do too much of that already and you don't want the ghost to feel bad for your potato-looking ass.


"You remember when last week at Xinque Yan's house... I told you he tried casting a spell on you while I was controlling your body?" Venus had started right off the bat.

You nodded hesitantly, gesturing for him to go on.

So he does.

"I redirected it to myself, and I got sealed within the mage stone. I-I think that spell was some sort of curse. I don't know what it is, or what it's doing to me exactly, but I've been getting violent thoughts lately, and I'll have moments where I more or less black out. When I wake up, Tinkerbell is crying because I apparently hit him in my sleep again."

"There's this... There's something else, too. Like this this pain where my heart should be if I were still alive. It's like it's weakening me, or trying to turn me into... something." Venus told you with difficulty. "It's happening at a really slow pace, but I think that, whatever it is, it's going to lead me to be exercised."

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