*54: We Have To Hold On To What We've Got

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Original Title: Nothing Can Be Heard Over Mr. Bon Jovi Insisting We Have To Hold On To What We've Got And That It Doesn't Make A Difference If We Make It Or Not


Deuce groans at the heavy weight on his body, trying to move it off him.

"Ah! S-Sorry about that!"

Ah, so it was Kalim currently crushing his windpipe.

The good boy hurries to get off the other good boy. Deuce pushes himself up, wincing at the pain in his back. The first thing Deuce notices is the distinct lack of you in the room. It's also familiar; he's definitely been here before.

"We're back in the first room the ghost tried to lock us in," As if reading his mind, Kalim speaks up timidly while standing, "Where is everyone? How did we get here?"

Kalim helps the other up, standing close to Deuce out of anxiety. It's true though, they're back down stairs in the room they investigated. But why? Why were you all separated? Are you all okay? Are you hurt at all?


Shaking his head to get rid of his overwhelming thoughts, he looks at his upperclassman.

"Oh, uh, are you okay, Kalim?"

The boy with red eyes raises a brow, "I should be asking you that. You looked like you were spacing out."

"Ah," Coughing lightly behind his hand, Deuce looks away with pink cheeks, "I-I was just wondering about the others."

The housewarden nods, "Yeah. I wonder if they also got split up into pairs. If they did... there's one person who's all alone right now."

Deuce is about to disagree, but he remembers that Crewel was still with you guys, even if he didn't count as a student. Deuce has a sickening suspicion that you're the one alone, which he wouldn't usually be that worried about (lies). After all, you are strong, smart, quick to think of solutions, and just a badass woman in general.

But... you don't have your sword anymore, and there's only so much you can do after that. Especially after that fuck ass monster that appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm really worried about [Y/n]..." Kalim frowns with concern, "Even if she's with someone else, she's really skilled with that sword but now she doesn't have it. We've already used a lot of magic to deal with those ghosts pretty fast. Whoever she's with won't be able to use his magic for long... If she's with anyone."

Geez, Kalim was more worried than Deuce would've thought. He barely knew you, but maybe that's just because Kalim is just a nice guy like that. With Kalim's worries growing, along with Deuce's concern for your safety (and, ahem, everyone else's too) getting worse, the green eyed boy was starting to lose a bit of confidence in this entire club.

Ahhh! This is so frustrating!

Deuce tugs lightly at his hair, squeezing his eyes shut.

"What would [Y/n] do?" He mutters under his breath, "What would [Y/n] do??"

Kalim widens his eyes. Right! You're smart! What would you do?

Deuce's brain begins to legitimately hurt. He doesn't use his brain like this ever.

"She would... She was insistent on not splitting up before..." Deuce's cute face scrunches up, "She would... [Y/n] would... [Y/n] would come find the rest of us so we're all together again."

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