39: Jade's Blood Draw Torment

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Closing up was actually easier than you expected it to be. Though Sam said it was because you were good about cleaning up efficiently during the day, that it wasn't as messy when it was closing time. Grim was bored the entire time, because like hell he was going to help out if he wasn't going to be paid for it.


"Have you clocked out already, little imp?" Sam asks, not looking away from the bowl of a suspicious red powder he was messing with.

"Yes, sir. But if there's anything else you need, I don't mind helping out," You tell him with a smile, holding Grim like a hamburger.

"No, no. Nothing else is in need of your attention," He snaps a blue stick over the bowl, white powder falls from it, "Now, have a good night, young imp. See you tomorrow."

Hm! You don't know what Sam is doing, but you think you don't want to stick around in case he's trying to reach his friends on the other side. Grim doesn't complain when you tuck him under your arm like a football.

"Alright, see you tomorrow!"

You waste no time leaving the shop. You close the door behind yourself and walk down the few steps, a large and surprised smile growing on your lips.

To your surprise, Floyd wasn't waiting outside like he said he would be. Instead, leaning against the dried up tree in front of the Mystery Shop was Deuce.

He was in his Heartslabyul uniform, the light from his phone illuminating his face, allowing you to see his small smile as he was probably looking at stupid memes.

He looks up when he hears the door close behind you, his grin growing in size as his cheeks flush a pretty pink while putting away his phone.

Truly the boyest boy ever to exist.

"Deuce, hi!" You both walk to each other, meeting halfway, "What are you doing here?"

He scratches his cheek with his index finger, looking off to the side bashfully. "W-Well... I was given advice that... that I should come and walk you back to your dorm after you get off work. Since... Since we won't be able to see each other often after school."

"Oh yeah?" You raise an eyebrow and hold up Grim against your stomach with your arms around him, just letting his little legs dangle in the air, "And who gave you this advice?"

".........Trey did-"

"-Fucking Clover."

"I-Should I not have asked him?? I-I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"-No, no, you're fine, wifey!" You laugh, "It was very nice of him to help you out. I just have a feeling next time I see him, he's going to be all smug about it."

Deuce sighs with relief. Crisis averted.

"I can take care of him for you, [Y/n]!"



"The talking fly is back."

You smack your lips, "Grim, be nice."

Since Deuce knew of his existence, Tinkerbell didn't have to worry about keeping himself hidden. He flies up suddenly between you and Deuce, giving you a surprisingly serious face.

"Just say the word, Your Highness. I'll get rid of that Trey Clover for you." He nods, popping his little fingers.

"Ayo, unnecessary, Tinkerbell."

[HIATUS] Sausage Party [Twisted Wonderland x Reader]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu