89: Master Baiter

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A/N: Sorry, please don't expect regular updates for the time being, they will continue to be sparse 😭


You hold the fancy carpet up, looking it over and appreciating the coloring and soft fabric. You were just looking around the treasure room with Kalim, trying so fucking hard not to cry in the middle of the room because you were, once again, reminded how poor you were.

"Oh, do you like this one?" Kalim asks, looking around you to see the carpet, "If you'd like, you can take this back with you to your dorm! I bet it'd look nice in your room!"

"Wha-I can't just take this!" You roughly shake your head, turning around and shoving the rug into his arms, "This is your shit, dude!"

"But you like it, right?" Kalim tilts his head, "It's just collecting up dust in this room. It should be appreciated by someone."

You sulk your shoulders, "I gotta be honest, sunshine. I'm not used to accepting generous gifts like this. I'm still not over the fact that you just gave me a phone for free. I-I still have to find a way to repay you for that first."

Kalim frantically shakes his head, unable to use his hands since he was still using the rug.

"No, no, no! I don't want anything in return! Please, just accept this, won't you?" Kalim closes his eyes and smiles sheepishly, "I guess I need to get you used to it now!"

"Kalim, I'm going to cry at you."

"Th-That sounds like a threat!"

Kalim grins despite that, setting the rug down, "Actually, there's a few fabrics in there that I remember seeing before, I think you might like them. We can turn them into clothes!"

"Wh-Do you even know how to do that?"

"Uhh... No, not really. BUT!" Kalim quickly says, "We can figure it out together! It might be fun to learn and pick up a new hobby!"

This sweet man.

"You know what? Sure. It doesn't hurt to get myself a new quick-fix to boredom," You shrug in defeat, "Let's look for them, yeah?"

The white haired boy beams brightly and grabs your wrist, dragging you in further into the room so you two can start searching exactly what it was he was talking about. You didn't think it would take long anyway, how hard can it be?

You help Kalim move this weird goblet. It was fucking huge, probably big enough that Kalim could sit inside it if he got into a fetal position. It was also surprisingly heavy despite the material it was made of looking thin.

"You got it, sunshine?"

"Urgh... Yep...!"

You hand over the goblet to Kalim, trying not to slip your footing on the comically large piles of gold. Immediately upon passing it to him, he slips his hold on it and it falls to the side with a loud CLANG!! A bunch of rolled-up fabric tumbles out of the goblet, and you assume that maybe that's exactly what you're looking for.

You both flinch at the noise, staring at it in silence because... Well... You don't know.

"Do you think it's broken?" Kalim asks in a hushed whisper.

You snort, "Why are you whispering?"

"Umm... I don't know..." Kalim grins with a whisper.

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