88: Friendship Making Ritual Part 2 (FAILED IMMEDIATELY)

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A/N: Reminder who Dakarai is and what he looks like 👍


You're more or less dragging your feet to the Mirror Chamber, on your way to the Scarabia house. You kind of just want to go to Ramshackle and sleep instead, but you already promised Kaiko you'd meet Dakarai today.

You don't really know what he's expecting out of you. You managed to befriend Pyro by a fluke, and apparently Dakarai is worse? What are you even supposed to talk about with him?

Everyone thinks you got that good rizz, but the truth is you stumble ass backwards into victory everytime.

You tug lightly at the bow around your neck, still not used to the feeling. You don't remove it though, since it covers your scar there. It's more simple to cover it up, than to have it visible and let people come up with their own story behind it.

On the plus side, you and Remmy got pretty far in carving the dick for Ace. You originally only wanted to make a small penis, but the sheep boy insisted (with a blank face) to carve one that was bigger than your head.


So it might take another few weeks to get it done, considering you only had one day out of the week to work on it.

You stop in the middle of the Mirror Chamber, looking at the different mirrors that will take you to the different dorms. Scarabia's mirror was a little plain in your opinion. The snake carvings were dope as hell, though.

You step through the mirror with growing familiarity, feeling your stomach go glug glug glug only for a second until your body adjusts.



The building ahead was close by, all you had to do was go right up some stairs towards the dorm building that is giving you the heaviest feelings of nostalgia of the movie Aladdin (go figure). There weren't any students outside, but you figured most of them must be inside since this place was a tad bit toasty. You think there's another building behind this one, but for now you just want to focus on finding someone who can help you find Dakarai. Feeling your hands get a bit clammy already, you remove your gloves as you go up the stairs.

Inside was immediately cooler, cooling you off and making your sigh in relief. The lounge inside was actually bustling with students just chatting with each other. The vibes alone made you smile due to how friendly it seemed. Everyone was just getting along, and you felt like this was a wholesome place.

A few people were already looking over at you, stopping their conversations to look at the guest.

You wave awkwardly at the two NPC's who get up from the comfy looking couches to walk to you.

"Hi, sorry to intrude," You smile politely, "I'm looking for a student who I hope is here by now. His name is-"

"-Hey, aren't you the chick that shoved a guy's head up another guy's ass?" A blond NPC grins.

"No shit, Sherlock. She's the only girl at the school," The other boy with light brown hair rolls his eyes.

"This is my legacy, huh?" You sigh with a defeated smile, "Yeah, it was me. Uh, you can just call me [L/n], though. So, is Da-"



You're tackled into a hug and fall backwards on your ass. You wrap your arms around the person to make sure they don't get hurt in the fall. You groan in pain and open your eyes.

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