113: Genuinely Skippable Chapter

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Anyway Kaiko is probably
gonna die :You

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: HUH???

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: Finally.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: Wait, wait,
wait, wait. Please tell me
that was a translation error?

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: Also, who
starts a conversation like

Floyd Leech was following
me all day and he gave
Kaiko the stink eye when I
was talking to him in
English Class :You

And then Kaiko told me
to be careful of
Octavinelle :You

I don't actually know if
Kaiko is in trouble, but
I'm just mentioning it
because I'm worried
about him if he's
gonna get involved
with them :You

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: Azul
Ashengrotto, Jade, and
Floyd Leech are very
untrustworthy and huge

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: I wouldn't
be surprised if Kaiko got
pressured into helping them
with something. Something
very similar happened
before and it was a pain to
get him out of that mess.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: I see

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: Thank you
for the heads-up. I'll make
sure to keep an eye on him
AND you from now on.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: No one
seems to acknowledge it,
but nearly all of the house
wardens are fucking wack
jobs. They're a serious

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: You
should probably check up
on him, [Y/n]. I can't leave
the dorm since Kalim and
Jamil are holding a huge
study group right now and
I need the help.

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: I wouldn't
trust Pyro with this so it's up
to you.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: Fuck you
and your whole lineage. I
hope your dick falls off from
all that masturbating.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: If you're
not busy [Y/n], we should go
to Octavinelle right now.
Those three don't waste
time when "dealing" with
people and I'm not too eager
to see how they'll handle

Okay :You

Do I meet you at the
Mirror Chamber? :You

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: No
need, I'll get you myself so
you have time to get
ready if you need to.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: You
ARE at Ramshackle,

Yes sir yes sir. I'll get
ready :You

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: Oh, be
careful with that. He likes it
when you call him "sir".

oh. :You

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: GO.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: FUCK.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: YOURSELF.

🔥Pyromaniac🔥: DAKARAI.

Dakarai's Bitch Ass: Only if you
watch me.



"Are you sure we won't get in trouble?" You ask Pyro as you two enter the mirror leading toward Octavinelle, "Isn't there a curfew for going to other dorms?"

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