35: What Can Possibly Go Wrong Now?

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A/N: Wooo lots of dialogue in this one

Also! You better comment because I love reading your guys' comments even if you think they're dumb >:( makes my heart tingle and shit


"[Y/n], I need to talk to you."

Without giving you much of a choice to say no (not that you would), Deuce starts walking away from the table. He passes by Riddle who was coming back with the tarts, looking at Deuce with confusion. You mumble out an "excuse me" as well, hurry to chase after the boy.

Riddle calls out to you, but you hear Trey interrupt him.

"Give them a few minutes, Riddle. They have something to talk about."

Deuce opens the gate that leads out of the Tea Garden, holding it open for you with an unreadable, blank expression. You jog a little to reach, throwing out a quick thank you when you walk through. He closes the gate behind himself then takes your wrist in a gentle, yet firm hold.

Deuce drags you to the gazebo that's right across from the garden, and you let him. The silence is deafening, and you're too nervous to say anything. If this keeps up, you might accidentally crack a joke because of the uncomfortable need to do so.

Once you both arrive, you just look at each other for a moment. He hasn't let you go, and you're starting to feel stupid because you're still in your Alice get-up.

Stupid Cater.

"Deuce, I-"

"-Please, let me go first."

You nod silently.

He takes a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes and exhaling softly. When he opens them again, he speaks.

"When you told me... that you didn't think you were right for me, it felt very unfair. I didn't get to have a word in edgewise, and you came to the conclusion yourself that you aren't what I wanted."

His eyebrows push together as he continues, "And when you told me that you wouldn't want to be in a relationship with just one person... I didn't know what to feel. I realize now that it must've felt like I was ignoring you, or upset with you. But... the truth is, I needed time to think. To think about what it would mean to be in a relationship like that, and what it would mean for my position as... as your potential boyfriend."

When he says that, his cheeks go pink. You find it endearing, that even if he's nervous about this, or flustered, or embarrassed, he's still trying very hard to communicate properly with you.

He's aware of how his past actions might have affected you, and despite you having plenty to be blamed for as well, he doesn't make you feel bad about it.

Deuce is trying his best just for you. And it just makes you admire him even more.

He lets go of your wrist to cross his arms, gripping the fabric of his shirt, "I tried doing research on it last night and this morning, and I think I understand the gist of it, but I'd still like to hear it from you."

"What would you like to know?" You ask.

"What are your rules on how you'd like the polyamourous relationship to work, if... hypothetically..." His blush grows more vibrant, but he's forcing himself to keep his eyes on you, to let you know you have his full, undivided, attention. "You and I were to... actually be together."

You clear your throat, nodding and taking a few seconds to think on how to properly word this in the way that would make sense and properly convey your needs.

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