63: God Is Merciful, But You Are Not

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A/N: I should show Remmy's gf in the next chapter shouldn't I? Completely unrelated to the current chapter, just a thought I had while editing this.


You totally forgot about first period. You hope Crewel won't be too upset with you. And Tinkerbell, this is supposed to be his first day.

"Okay, when we find him, he's definitely gonna make a run for it," You tell everyone as you're walking the halls, "When that happens, leave the high-speed car chase to me. I'll have the best chance at actually knocking the shit out of him."

"First of all, how are you going to have a "high-speed car chase" when there are going to be no cars involved?-"


"-I'm just gonna ignore that," Cater continues, "Second, do not actually knock him out. We just need to corner him to ask him some questions."

You doubt it'll be that easy. When Ruggie makes a run for it, and he will, you'll go ahead and go after him anyway. To prepare for that scenario, you remove Grim from your shoulder. He pouts when you hand him over to Tinkerbell.

You think you hear the blonde boy whisper to the cat: "Who's the smaller one now, huh?"

All men do is fight each other, you swear.

You stand behind Riddle and Cater, letting them open the door first and walk in. You and Tinkerbell go in right after. Riddle opens his mouth to make an announcement, but Grim beats him to it.

"Alright!" Grim shouts, "where's Ruggie Bucchi?!"

"Right here."

Standing up from his seat, Ruggie hurries to you all, sulking his shoulders at the sight of you and Grim.

"Ah... It's you guys again." He sighs as though he was inconvenienced, "I really hope this isn't about that deluxe grilled cheese. We could've traded fair and square, and I didn't even get it at the end, remember?"

"Ruggie Bucchi, we need to ask you some questions about the spate of injuries that have befallen prospective Magift tournament players." Riddle states firmly.

"Oh ho. This sounds like some serious business."

Cater jerks his thumb behind himself towards the door, "How about we move to the hall and keep this in the figurative DMs. If you catch my drift."

You want to strangle Cater.


What's your problem with him, anyway? You talk like that sometimes too. And you're worse sometimes, too. Maybe it's just Cater himself, but what did he do to you?


A handful of things, actually-

"I'm cooperating. Let's all try to be gentlemen, now." Ruggie looks at you with a nervous grin, "Ah, and gentle... ladies..."

"No, "gentleman" is probably more accurate," You then mutter the next part to yourself as you leave the room first, "Especially since the most take-charge guy around here is me."

One after the other, your gaggle of friends (plus Cater) leave the classroom. You don't see who closes the door since your back was still turned towards them, but you only know it happens when you hear it.

Riddle gets straight to the point. "Very well. While we do not yet know what transpired, it is abundantly clear that your signature spell is a dangerous one."

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