Hye-joon stretched her arms above her head, letting out a quiet yawn. "I'll go first," she mumbled, her words slightly muffled by drowsiness.

Taemin nodded in agreement, still trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

As Hye-joon went into the bathroom, Taemin settled himself beside Taehyung's bed, his gaze lingering on his father's peaceful face.

Jungkook watched them both, a mixture of love and affection etched onto his features.

Moments later, the nurse arrived, carrying a small tray with a syringe and vial of medication. Jungkook stepped aside as she approached Taehyung's bedside, allowing her to administer the injection without interruption.

As the nurse left, Jungkook moved to Taehyung's side, his fingers gently trailing through his husband's hair. "Wake up soon, Tae," he whispered softly, his voice laced with emotion.

He lingered by Taehyung's side for a moment longer,

Then Hye-joon emerged from the bathroom, her face freshly washed and hair slightly damp, Jungkook turned to her with a weary smile.

"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked from Jungkook. "Taemin and I are going to be breakfast." She informed him.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment, before saying, "I'll go with you and Taemin can stay here. I have a few things to take from home."

Hye-joon nodded feeling a bit annoyed. "Couldn't you take them when you went home?"

Jungkook sighed at her response.

"Ah, fine," she relented, a hint of irritation in his voice. "Let's go."

With Taemin remaining by Taehyung's side, Jungkook and Hye-joon made their way out of the room, their footsteps echoing softly in the hallway.

At the reception, as they were about to exit the hospital, something caught their attention and they turned back.

"I need to see Dr. Kim Taehyung," A women in her late 50s pleaded to the receptionist, her voice trembling with emotion as she clutched onto the counter for support.

The receptionist, tried to reason with her. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but Dr. Kim Taehyung isn't on duty right now. Is there someone else I can assist you with?"

"No, y-you don't understand," she insisted, her words rushed and frantic. "It's urgent, I need to see him."

Sensing the gravity of the situation, the receptionist maintained her composure, offering reassurance in her tone. "I understand, but perhaps another doctor—"

But the women interrupted, " Then c-can you give me his address ?"

The receptionist's expression Turned into confusion as she said, " I am sorry, but I can't provide you with any staff's personal information. "

Hearing all the conversation, Jungkook and Hye-joon glanced at eachother in confusion before making their way towards them.

"Excuse me," Jungkook spoke up, drawing the woman's gaze towards him. "Why do you want to meet Dr. Kim?"

The woman hesitated, her voice strained and weak as she struggled to speak. "I... I can't tell you," she managed to utter,

"I'm his husband,"

Upon hearing Jungkook's revelation, the woman's expression shifted to one of surprise. "I'm s-sorry," she whispered, her voice barely audible as she began to bow in respect.

However, before she could complete her gesture, her body swayed precariously, and Jungkook instinctively reached out to steady her.

"M-My na-ame is M-Mina—" she began, but her sentence was cut short as her body went limp in Jungkook's arms, causing him to catch her before she fell to the ground.

With a sense of urgency, Jungkook gently lowered Mina to the floor, his heart racing.,Hye-joon quickly rushed to his side, her eyes wide with tension.

Soon Mina was swiftly whisked away to the emergency room by the attending doctors, Jungkook and Hye-joon exchanged worried glances,  Feeling unsettled by the turn of events, their appetite vanished, and they silently agreed to forgo breakfast for the time being.

Hye-joon's voice was laced with worry as she approached the nurse stationed nearby. "Please inform us as soon as she wakes up," she requested,

The nurse nodded,"Of course, we'll keep you updated," she assured them before returning her attention to her duties.

Turning away from the bustling activity of the hospital lobby, Jungkook and Hye-joon made their way back to Taehyung's room. Their thoughts were consumed by the sudden appearance of Mina and the mystery surrounding her condition.

Back in the room, Taemin greeted them with an expectant look, his stomach rumbling in anticipation of breakfast.

" Where is the breakfast ?" Taemin questioned with confusion on his face.

Hye-joon's expression softened as she shared the news about Mina with him.

" Why was she asking for Appa ? Is she Appa's relative ?" Taemin asked in pure confusion as Hye-joon finished telling him about her.

Jungkook sighed softly, "We don't know yet, we will ask her once she wakes up," he replied, "In the meantime, if you're hungry, you can grab something from the cafeteria."

Saying this Jungkook made his way to the balcony without waiting for any other response.

As Jungkook stood in the balcony, his gaze distant and lost in thought, his mind buzzed with questions and uncertainties regarding the mysterious woman,"Who could she be?" he mused silently to himself, his brow furrowed with concern.

"And why was she asking for Taehyung?"The image of Mina's distressed face lingered in his mind,  "Was she a patient or was there something more to her story?" he wondered, his thoughts racing.

"Could she be a friend or acquaintance of Taehyung's? Or perhaps a relative?" Jungkook pondered, his mind churning with possibilities.

As he replayed the encounter in his mind, Jungkook couldn't shake of the questions which echoed in his mind."Why was she so desperate to see Taehyung?" he questioned, his thoughts swirling in a sea of confusion.

After 10 minutes......

As Jungkook stood on the balcony lost in thought, Hye-joon approached him,  "Eomma, That women woke up. Let's go," she said softly, her voice breaking through his reverie.

Jungkook nodded, his mind still swirling with questions, and followed Hye-joon to Mina's room. As they entered, Jungkook's eyes immediately fell on Mina, who was laying on the hospital bed and had many bandages on her face and body.

Hye-joon exchanged a brief glance with the doctor and nurse before gesturing for them to leave, wanting to give Mina some privacy to talk. With a nod of understanding, they exited the room,

Jungkook approached Mina, his gaze searching her face for answers. "Who are you, and why were you asking for Taehyung?" he asked, his voice tinged with urgency and worry.

Mina took a deep breath before beginning,"I..." she began, her voice barely above a whisper.


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What are you views on it ?

What does Mina have to say ?

Why did she wanted to meet Taehyung so desperately ?

Do you think there is a change in Taemin's and Hye-joon's character ?



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