16 | Artifacts of Odd

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Riirii X'Eaa

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Riirii X'Eaa

Jekkh had never imagined the palace to be so big, but it seemed to go on forever. She would be surprised if they hadn't passed all thirteen throne rooms at this point. On their right was a wall of windows overlooking the cliffs above the ocean and to their left was a massive wall of doors with different paintings and sculptures between them.

"And this is the Brimstone Throne Room," Janet said, gesturing to the black door with gold splatters across it. "This is where the Emperor executes high-level punishments for crimes."

Emperor Kaalii glanced up at the door and huffed in surprise. "I didn't know it was named. I just called it my 'I'm About to Imprison or Banish You' room."

Jekkh's eyes widened at his nonchalant tone. Banishment and losing freedom were not something Jekkh would ever shrug over or take lightly. Maybe it was a difference in culture? Jekkh was no longer sure. It made her uncomfortable to excuse his behavior even if it was a difference in how they were raised.

"Are you alright?" Officer Kaence asked, approaching Jekkh. She blinked, forgetting he was there—in fact, she didn't recall seeing him since the gardens. Before she could form words to answer, he lowered his voice saying, "You are being quieter than usual."

Jekkh shrugged, not comfortable with sharing her thoughts yet. She didn't want to offend anybody, let alone create more trouble for her people than they were already facing. Losing their planet would be enough, but creating enemies would be too much to handle for a dying race.

"Oh!" Emperor Kaalii exclaimed as he practically skipped ahead to the next door. "My favorite room!"

The jester beside Jekkh sighed, quickening his pace to match that of the emperor. With each jump Ronrii took, the seashells jingled harshly against the natural sound of the oceanic ambiance from the open windows. "Skipping is stupid; I do it for a living. The emperor is really mean, to keep forcing me to skip."

Emperor Kaalii slowed to a stop, his hand resting on the next set of doors. He shot a glare from beneath his bangs, sneering at the jester. "No one is telling you to skip, you fool."

Ronrii halted skipping, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he shook his head. "Shame on you, liar. You make me to be an idiot! You always ask that I perform these stupid tasks and jokes and I'm sick of it."

The emperor blinked, brows furrowing in thought. He raised his green hand, counting with his fingers as he muttered beneath his breath. "That last stanza had way too many syllables."

Ronrii's eye twitched as he raised his hands as if imagining strangling the emperor. Officer Kaence stepped forward, hand on his blaster. Jekkh's heart stopped. Did he perceive the jester as a threat? To her or the emperor?

Fortunately, she wouldn't find out because Ronrii let out a long exhale, closing his eyes. "I was not reciting poetry. I was just talking."

"When it comes to poetry, you are like the Boy Who Cried Lion," Emperor Kaalii stated, rolling his eyes. Jekkh didn't know what crying a lion was like, but it sounded like an experience she would rather avoid. Emperor Kaalii sighed and cast a glance over his shoulder at his jester. "Even the mouse from the fable wouldn't believe you and untie you at this point. You poeticize too often."

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