03 | Sniffing Werkles and the Repercussions of Doing So

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Riirii X'Eaa

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Riirii X'Eaa

The shuttle rumbled and shook as the ship finished entering the atmosphere of Riirii X'Eaa. Jekkh's eyes were still clamped shut, fingers making indentations in the armrests. She wanted to get out. Now. The walls felt as if they were closing in, her lungs constricting for air as her breath was held within her round cheeks.

"Jeje, you're holding your breath," Miaalllaa whispered from the shuttle seat beside her.

Jekkh let out her breath, lips blubbering in an attempt to relieve stress. But it didn't work. "How much longer?"

Jekkh could hear Piaannnoo grunting in thought as a few electronic beeps filled the shuttle with sound. "Approximately fifteen minutes noting our speed and course."

"Now that is correct," the loud booming voice of the General stated, scaring Jekkh's eyes open. Quickly shutting them again, Jekkh took a deep breath, blowing out of her mouth to calm her body. "We will be reaching the Rii'ix Rii'ix Airport very soon."

"Isn't that the diplomatic capital of the planet?" Miaalllaa asked, placing a warm hand over Jekkh's which slowed her heart rate some.

"Yes, ma'am," General Oonta stated as the shuttle hit turbulence. Jekkh tensed. Considering how loud the Qeet'taan was, Jekkh wouldn't be surprised that his voice was causing the turbulence, shaking the whole shuttle with his rumbling reverb. So Jekkh, in a determination unlike anything before, decided to drift her mind from the terrifying truth that she was in a small, flying contraption heading straight for the surface of a planet at a high velocity.


Jekkh never expected landing to be so bumpy, though it shouldn't have surprised her when she recalled how bumpy the take-off was all those days ago when she took a shuttle off her homeworld, Jjjeeerrroooaaaa. Jekkh had a death grip on Miaalllaa's arm as they bounced up and down, the shuttle's metal sounding with odd crunches and squeaks as it finally slowed to a stop.

Jekkh let out a breath, peeking open her eyes to readjust to the dull lighting in the carriage of the shuttle. The passengers rustled around as they unbuckled, grabbing various luggage from compartments above their seats. Piaannnoo, who had the seat closest to the walkway between the two rows of seats, got up, placed his hands on his lower back to give it a quick pop, and helped Miaalllaa out of her seat beside Jekkh.

It felt fantastic to no longer be in constant motion, though Jekkh suddenly felt it all go to her head. She felt rather unsteady and hated it. Being on shuttles after space stations after shuttles, Jekkh had gotten used to the constant sway of flight and now that they landed on Riirii X'Eaa, it seemed Jekkh had forgotten how to not be in motion. Jekkh struggled to follow Miaalllaa down the aisle of the shuttle, finally reaching the stairs that descended to the ground of the airport. As Jekkh reached the open door, a fresh wind hit her face for the first time in a week. The breeze smelled of the ocean, reminding her of her family's homestead on the coast.

The Uncitizen's Ship | a sci-fi comedyWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu