09 | The Mall of Rii'ix Rii'ix

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Riirii X'Eaa

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Riirii X'Eaa

The next day, Jekkh awoke with a start. For a moment, she had felt like she was back on Jjjeeerrroooaaaa. The ocean thrumming in the distance, early birds singing their songs, the gentle breeze through the window—it was all perfect... too perfect. The bed was too soft, the blankets too snug, and the wind smelled too sweet.

Sitting up in bed, Jekkh groggily rubbed her eyes, blinking back the sleep that tugged at her eyelids. Though she had been sleeping and traveling in deep space for a week prior to this, Jekkh's body was still thinking it was getting ready for the early starts in the fields at home instead of sleeping in. She would have to try to either force herself to sleep in or find something to do to pass her time.

Jekkh swung her legs over the edge of the tall bed, not yet accustomed to the height of Riiaan beds since the locals were quite longer limbed than she was. Hopping down, Jekkh's feet greeted the fuzzy faux fur carpet with contentment. The chilly breeze made her shiver so she decided to tiptoe over to the balcony door to close it. Pitter-patting across the cold tile by the door as fast as she could, she finally made her way back to the warm carpet, a bit uneasy from the strange feeling of being cold. For an ocean planet, Jekkh was surprised at how cold it was. Back where she had been staying on Jjjeeerrroooaaaa it was an arid desert, so Jekkh was not used to the chillier mornings like her younger years in her home island of Kleep.

Though the breeze stopped, Jekkh still could smell that sweet aroma that drifted throughout the room. Curiosity getting the best of her, Jekkh exited her room to find that the open kitchen to her left was not empty, in fact, quite full of dishes and clatter. Sophia and Miaalllaa were behind the counter, fixing some sort of breakfast banquet which sent Jekkh's stomach in reels.

Nearing the counter, Jekkh spotted the Jeroaan delicacy of na'ati, a buttery bread with nettor syrup to top. Her mouth watered at the sight.

A buzzer went off near the oven as Sophia stalked over to pound on it, turning the sound off. Sophia pulled out a round pan that had a cracker substance on the outside and a yellow center. There were orange and green streaks of what Jekkh assumed to be vegetables ornately designed on top. The scent was savory and nutty which made Jekkh's stomach rumble further. Sophia's strange dish not only looked beautiful but it smelled amazing as well.

"What is this?" Jekkh asked as the girl set the pan down on a towel.

Sophia tossed aside her oven mitts, dusting her hands off in accomplishment, a few of her hair strands falling from her ponytail. "This is a mustard tart—or at least, my best replication of it. It's a dish from my mother's side—though it's hard to substitute the original ingredients. No carrots, so I had to do ershell'ix, and then the utderbross was the closest thing to leeks that I could find."

Almost every word spoken was foreign to Jekkh so she just nodded. "I'm sure it will be delicious regardless of the missing carrotting and leek."

Sophia smiled, untying her apron before she paused glancing at Jekkh's attire. "Jekkh, is that your only pair of clothes?" The girl then turned to Miaalllaa, who was also wearing the same outfit as the day prior. "You, too, Miss Nayli?"

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