14 | A Call Between Brothers

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The tablet buzzed, dinging sharply even through Camrun's bedroom door. The sound marked another nightly routine of datanet access. Only getting an hour, Camrun wanted to get at least some time to check to see if the Heraldry had contacted him. He wouldn't have to worry about his mother or sister stealing the tablet time to watch the ten-minute soap operas that they liked to make fun of.

Trudging from his room, Camrun saw that the light from the tablet was blinking, illuminating the walls and ceiling of the living room. Someone was calling them. Father! He hadn't heard from him in ages.

Camrun hurried to the table, seating himself before answering the call. Camrun deflated. It was just Cahlun. They always heard from Cahlun every couple of months, but Camrun hadn't seen Father or heard his voice in over a year.

"Cam," Cahlun's deep voice came on over the call, forcing Camrun to meet the grey eyes of his brother. Cahlun's thin face smiled at him, a perfect grin set upon his lips. "You look well."

"So do you," Camrun muttered, averting his eyes as he tapped his fingers against the cool metal surface of the table. Cahlun always looked well. They must have fed him well and kept him active wherever he was. His sharp jaw and cheekbones looked less hollow than when he was home. "How's flight school?"

Static echoed on the other end. Camrun's gaze shot to the tablet screen. Cahlun was not looking into the camera, his lips forming a frown. "Not well. I was sent on probation because of a minor misdemeanor."

Camrun shifted in the chair, tugging on the cuffs of his shirt. "I'm sorry."

"It's no big deal," Cahlun muttered, running his hands through his silvery-cropped hair before leaning on his elbows to peer back at Camrun. "Though the one who sent me away had it out for me, his superior likes me and wants me back immediately. At least after my current mission is over."

Camrun leaned forward, setting his chin on his arms. "When did you get on probation? And where I might add, as long as you're able to disclose."

His brother sniffed, scrunching his long, thin nose. "It's been not even a month, but they were quick to assign me to the Ch'Ch System on Riirii X'Eaa."

Camrun tilted his head as he tried recalling all he knew of the area. "Isn't that system run by an emperor and his kids?"

Cahlun sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Unfortunately, I am on the planet run by his youngest son. He's not even thirteen."

A scoff escaped Camrun's lips. "Are you there to babysit him?"

"No, the whole Orssa System Alliance has their most trusted individuals to do that."

"The Orssa system is in a completely different region, so why are they there?" Camrun asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair.

Cahlun's head drooped a bit. "A planet in their system got destroyed and many of the Jeroaan refugees relocated to the Ch'Ch system."

Jeroaan. It didn't ring a bell. "So, why are you there?"

"I am a bodyguard and escort for a refugee family," Cahlun explained, twiddling his thumbs on the table in front of him as his form glitched out.

"So you are babysitting," Camrun jested, but only got a stern look from his brother. Sinking back into his chair, Camrun grumbled, "Just joking. But, what's it like?"

Cahlun bit his lip, eyes squinting in thought. "I enjoy the laid-back nature of it. Riirii X'Eaa feels like a vacation getaway that would be advertised on the tablet." He blinked "And the family is nice. I mostly am escorting the daughter around the town or the palace."

A grin slithered its way onto Camrun's lips. "Is she cute?"

Cahlun's eyes bulged, crossing his arms. "She's only fifteen."

That was only a four-year difference. Camrun recalled that his parents were six years apart. "You didn't answer the question."

Cahlun sighed, lip scrunching. "She's cute in the adorable way. Her people, the Jeroaans are short—barely above five feet tall—and she has this mass of bright orange hair. Her eyes are so turquoise they seem fake." Cahlun laughed to himself. "She's so naive and innocent and what makes it interesting is that Jekkh is so honest that it shocks everyone. She can bring a new perspective to the table and it has even caught the attention of the emperor."

"He's only thirteen," Camrun retorted, a smile growing on his face.

"Haha," Cahlun let out, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "But, Emperor Kaalii liked Jekkh so much he has invited her to tea or something tomorrow."

"Wow, what a little womanizer," Camrun said, chuckling.

Cahlun's eyes softened for a moment, leaning on the table. "So, how's it on your end?"

"Okay," Camrun said, averting his eyes. He didn't know where to start. Should he bring up Cassehl's decline in health? The lack of contact with Father? Camrun's possible failure to join the Heraldry?

"Cam, don't lie to me."

Camrun looked up, tears threatening to form in his eyes. Memories of youth poured into his mind of all the times Cahlun would comfort him or defend him and now he wasn't here. Yet he still knew how he worked.

All the events of the past month spilled out of Camrun's mouth. Cahlun ate up every word, only nodding, and not daring to interrupt. After the younger Kaence boy finished his bout, Cahlun then cleared his throat. "That is a lot."

"Yeah," Camrun breathed out, unable to look his older brother in the eye. "Nothing is working out."

"Don't say that," Cahlun said. "I remember them being slow in getting back to Henehk when he joined the Heraldry."

Camrun nodded, gulping back the dread that had settled in his throat. "Thank you Cahlun for always listening to me."

"What are big brothers for?" Cahlun asked with a smile before it fell. Someone was talking to him on the other end. "Sorry, I have to go, Cam. Say hi to Mother and Cassi for me."

And with that, Cahlun was gone and Camrun was all alone.

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