06 | Camrun's Lack of Hobbies

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Camrun sensed something was wrong. His eyes flickered open, still groggy from sleep. Wiping saliva from the corner of his mouth, Camrun brushed off the information packets off his chest that he had been reading before bed. He yawned, trying to register what could be going on.

Light streaked across the floor from beneath the door, indicating someone was in the living area. Camrun's brows crinkled together in confusion since he vividly remembered turning the lights off before leaving the room.

Camrun dragged his feet to the door, it sliding open to reveal Mother scurrying about the kitchen with a cup of water in her hand. Mother was never this anxious after her nightmares, her worry lines deeply etched into her face. It could only mean one thing—Cassehl was having another episode.

Camrun quickened his pace to the room Mother and Cassehl shared. Cassehl was in bed, her breathing labored. It sounded more wheezy than the last attack a few nights ago. She was getting worse.

After reaching his sister's side, Camrun grabbed her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. Cassehl smiled up at him, her lips bluish from lack of oxygen. "Cam, you should get some rest."

"I can't with you causing a ruckus," Camrun replied, throat clenching in grief. He hated seeing her like this, but there was nothing he could do except pray he got his job soon. Maybe the doctors in the City Center could do something to help her.

"Your exam—"

"Is not for another four hours," Camrun interrupted, placing a hand on her head. It burned against his palm. "You need to stop moving around so much, Cass, and let your body heal."

"My mind can't take it," Cassehl said, face contorted in pain, but the expression was quickly replaced with a small smile. "I'm not doing well in isolation, so I'd rather die with more memories than die alone."

"You're not going to die," Camrun spit out, pursing his lips in determination. "I might get this job so hang in there. Please. This job could change everything for us." Camrun rested his hands on the bed, tapping his thumbs in thought. "I could pay for your medical bills and get you a motorized wheelchair. Mother could even decorate the penthouse however she wanted."

A sad look entered Cassehl's eyes. "You should think of yourself for once instead of Mother and me." She let out a raspy cough into her elbow before letting out a breath. "What about what you want? All those dreams of building better homes for people like us?"

His dreams could wait. "What I want is to help you and Mother. You both have needs."

Cassehl closed her eyes and sighed. "What you need is a hobby."

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