Jujutsu Kaisen | Showdown (3)

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"Kusakabe, get ready if anything happens." You said, as you walked past him and patted him on the shoulder as you eyed Higuruma. "You guys know what to do, so let's do this properly."

"We know." Higuruma said.

"Damnit. I want to go home." Kusakabe muttered as he lifted his toothpick up but adjusted the sheath at the waist. "But I can't ignore your orders, so I've got no other options."

"Hey, careful out there." Miwa said.

"I'll be fine." You said, before opening the door and leaving all of them behind as the rest of them started to understand what was actually happening and they all looked towards each other.

"He's planning to die." Yuta said.

"What—?" Miwa began.

"It's obvious." Choso said. "He doesn't want anyone interfering in his fight with Kenjaku. And it should be like that. No matter what happens to him, we've got to keep pushing and defeat Sukuna."

"Riko..." Nobara looked worryingly at her.

"I...already accept it." Riko said, wiping a tear.

"Hey, we can't be serious here!" Yuji said. "Sensei already got badly wounded in the fight versus Sukuna...! We can't just let him go ahead and face Kenjaku alone, are we—?"

"Yes, we are." Yuta said.

"Leave it as it is." Kusakabe said.

"Cameras are down. I'll focus my crows on (Y/N)'s fight with Kenjaku." Mei Mei said as her crows cawed out and headed out the door. "He'll obviously notice them, but we'll be informed."

"Good idea." Yuta said.

. . .

"So this is how it's going to be." Kenjaku said.

"Everything ends here, Kenjaku." You said, looking at him as your Sharingan looked ahead to see Takaba's body calmly relaxing ahead in funeral robes. "He defeated him...!"

"Thanks to you, I have gotten a lot better." Kenjaku said, turning to show off your father's eyes. "Had I not had these eyes, I would've probably lost to Takaba right now."

"Had I never been an Uchiha..." You began.

"...I would've never interfered." Kenjaku finished, as he revealed the hands underneath his robe and the centipede cursed spirits started to crawl their way out. "Are you ready...?"

"Lightning Blade." You said, before you zoomed over and killed all of the cursed spirits Kenjaku had summoned and took them down in one fell swoop as Kenjaku eyed you from above.

"As I thought." Kenjaku thought, jumping back as you sped off after him. "Cursed Spirit Manipulation is useless against this man. He'll just take them down before I can use them."

Kenjaku opened his palm as he blasted you away with a sudden push. You could feel the gravity push you back, and you deduced that it was the original state of Kaori's technique, but Kenjaku suddenly pulled you in as you struggled.

"I see..." You thought, as you looked down and resisted with your cursed energy. "...the original is pull, while the reversal is push. Sounds an awful lot similar to Gojo's technique."

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu." Kenjaku prepared a fireball as you widened your eyes but you jumped over it and landed on a branch as Kenjaku grinned up towards you.

"Yeah." Kenjaku said, his head turning as you just looked down at him. "Your father's technique. A handy technique, but it isn't particularly effective without the Sharingan."

"Yeah, because you don't have the creativity to create jutsu of your own." You said, as your hand started to fully envelop in lightning. "For a one thousand year old being, you sure are lazy."

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Kenjaku almost chuckled before he extended his palm to pull you with Kaori's technique. "No matter what happens, my will shall be passed on."

"Kamui!" You suddenly applied Kamui onto the space between you and Kenjaku and decided to stab him straight in the stomach.

"He warped the distance between me and him...!" Kenjaku said, before he summoned a large cursed spirit with beads around its neck and a sole eye to attack you at once.

You flew mid air but flicked your fingers with immense precision as the Kirin dragon clamped its jaws on the cursed spirit and both of them destroyed the other with pure power as you and Kenjaku now stood in the middle of a grassy field.

"Did you know?" Kenjaku asked you, and the two of you began to circle the other as he spoke. "The Uchiha and the Gojo families never quite liked each other. One family was purely fed off of hatred, while the other relied on a sole power."

"The Six Eyes." You said.

"Exactly." Kenjaku said. "Back in the Heian Era, I had acquired a set of eyes. A pair of Mangekyo. I was the most powerful sorcerer, second to only Sukuna. Even so, I realized that I would be dead soon."

"You switched bodies and lost the eyes."

"I never wanted that to happen. The name and body I had acquired in that time died out. I acquired other eyes, but none of them could actually change into a Mangekyo. You were nothing special either."

"I unlocked the Mangekyo because of Gojo's supposed death." You explained to him, but you knew that he was aware of that already. "I had already come to the same conclusion you had."

"The Six Eyes, the Star Plasma Vessel, and the Sharingan are linked." Kenjaku said, and the two of you finally stopped circling each other. "I failed to realize this until you awoke the Mangekyo."

"Unfortunately for you, you are far too late." You said, before fully taking off your headband and looking at him straight in the eyes. "Even if all three are linked, it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to kill you."

Kenjaku turned sideways before the large Rainbow Dragon emerged and aimed its jaws right at you. Instead of taking out a cursed tool, you responded by making handsigns as a water dragon clamped its jaws onto it instead.

"Looks like this'll be a battle of who uses their respective jutsu the best." Kenjaku said, before he started to unleash handsigns and you started to copy his movements.

"Still, you can see it all." Kenjaku said.

"All I see is your death." You replied.

End of Chapter

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