Arc 2: Noble City XIS: Aftermath I

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan, as they belong to their rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy, A Dragon

Noble City XIS: Aftermath I

They came...They saw and They vanquished.

As soon as the targets were marked successfully the F15s were given the signal to engage and unleashed the missiles right away.

As the missiles soared through the air, their trajectory was set to collide with a specific set of targets. These targets were primarily composed of the dark imperial wyvern armies and the imposing black dragon. The moment the missiles made contact with their intended targets, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the area. This was quickly followed by a spectacular display of flames and explosions that engulfed the entire area. The intense heat and pressure of the blasts consumed everything in their path, leaving behind nothing but ash and debris. It was a sight to behold and one that would be etched into the memories of all those who witnessed it for years to come.

"Direct hit!"

It only took one person to utter the words aloud as everyone in the control room at Headquarters exploded in cheers.

The huge monitor that displayed live footage of the ongoing events in the city had finally shown the exact location and spot where the supposed target was and moments later that certain spot was now nothing but flames and a mushroom cloud.

"Sir! We finally did it!" One of the staff members remarked to the American General.

The older man himself could only smile as he could see no point in rejoicing that he had been into these kinds of situations before.

However, for his Japanese Counterpart, it was the opposite.

To General Hanzama, It was an achievement, a significant triumph against a formidable enemy that posed a grave threat to their cause. However, unlike the rest of everyone who were jubilant and overjoyed, The Japanese General's reaction was rather subdued, almost as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. His countenance betrayed a sense of disbelief and incredulity as if he was struggling to process the enormity of their recent victory.

"You seem amazed General..." The American man had remarked, giving a relaxed grin.

He paused for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"I just hope our team and envoy are all safe." He replied, choosing to think the well-fair of their men.

The latter smiled in return as his attention turned towards the huge screen once again.

Just as the control room staff were beginning to contact the reinforcements right after the big event...He then let out another remark afterward.

"I do wonder if the people in that city got to see what our world is capable of."


What happened just now was not the work of one single person.

The huge steps that the flame dragon had taken were the most she had taken just to escape the powerful fire and explosion that erupted when the mysterious iron eagles emerged from the clouds.

For one this brought Giselle an important small memory not long ago when her eyes lay upon the iron eagles that moved in incredible speed.

She recognized the shape and appearance as the ones she had seen during her first attempt to save the beast from a supposed dark magical influence.

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