Arc 1: Coda Village Part 6: End Curse

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Lands Of Rodenius:

Coda Village Part 6: End Curse

The windy, humid weather did not help to alleviate the situation.

A great deal of worry filled the atmosphere, and especially for this certain group of Recon Members, who were in charge of managing the safe zone. Sergeant Nishina took a glance at his wristwatch before overlooking a huge number of Coda's Villagers, filling up the green open fields.

The young Japanese Sergeant had not expected to be this of a huge crowd that still continued to gather and adjust. Furthermore, the recon members assigned in this task were only him, Private Wataru, and Private Tousee Daisuke. An impossible number to control such huge crowds.

He could feel a little cold sweat of nervousness drop from the back of his head and towards his neck. How he wished that Sergeant Kuwahara was here to assist, yet the latter had been called to handle an unexpected situation back at the village hall.

To which they haven't received any updates so far.

The atmosphere surrounding the field of many of Coda's evacuated villagers was pretty much in a stabilized situation. It was a bit fortunate for him and the guys since they don't have to do as much and experienced the struggle that his superior had to endure prior to all of this.

Nishina's thoughts were interrupted while observing the current situation by the laughter of village youngsters, who had found the time to play during this difficult period that he had been going through as the team's acting leader for the time being. In fact, he was nearly struck by a very antique and ancient-looking leather ball that he had seen in a museum back in his homeworld. He only observed that these youngsters were playing a kind of early soccer game, complete with improvised goal posts made of wood and a net constructed of light ropes.

In the midst of the situation trying to calm him down, His walkie began to come to life.

"Nishina, this is Wataru speaking." The voice of one of his fellow recon members came through.

"Copy that, How's the situation at the west end?" He asked.

By then, he had noticed that a large number of the Villagers, mostly adults and the elderly, were entering silent prayer one by one. He sensed dread in the air, and it didn't come at a bad time. He had no idea why he had that feeling.

"Everything is going smoothly so far, but some of the villagers have started kneeling and praying." Wataru's voice explained, also claiming to have witnessed the same events.

Nishina raised an eyebrow, his own curiosity began to peak.

"Interesting, so what's the reason?" He asked again, as he began to walked towards the field to investigate further. Not knowing that the air was slowly changing.

"I'm not sure, sir, but they keep telling me that the "Evil" in this land had returned and that they needed to pray to the Gods for protection." He explained, looking as perplexed as he was." It's giving me the creeps, to be honest." He added.

Hearing that statement, Nishina came to a halt in the middle of an open path, surrounded by Wagons, Horses, and small temporary camps set up by the villagers themselves. The young man's memory jumbled as familiarity struck; he had heard a certain story from one of the elders when the Recon Team first arrived in the land. It wasn't just the elderly; he also heard children telling the same story to scare or prank each other for fun. Some even told them not to mention it, as if it were an urban legend.

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