Arc 1: Siblings' Tale

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Lands of  Rodenius:

Chapter 4: Siblings' Tale

The wind grew stronger as she held her hands tight and continued her prayer

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The wind grew stronger as she held her hands tight and continued her prayer.

The peace and quietness of the surroundings are what helped in maintaining her high spirits throughout the morning.

How she remembered begging her big brother to take her again to this certain place, much to the latter's warning that it wasn't safe anymore and she was aware of these dangerous times.

Although, her love for her mother had prevailed and she wanted to pay that last respect.

A small smile crept across her lips as she silently reached out for the Sun God to bring her prayers and to also bless her long-departed soul. At the same time, recalling the last of the wonderful memories with her.

"Thank you for your blessings!" The little girl muttered, her voice reaching out to her big brother who was watching her from a nearby lone tree.

It was the only place that they could lay her to rest. With just a simple large stone with their mother's name engraved on it. Apparently, The local town cemetery was already in full capacity due to the number of deaths caused by the ongoing war.

A lot of people were handpicked or selected to participate in the defense against the Empire's attempted raids and attacks. To a relief, the town was still intact and would avoid violence for the next weeks ahead,

The brother had a solemn look on his face as he observed his little sister still kneeling in front of their mother's grave.

It had only been a year since her death, and the once-close family had finally disintegrated. As the primary protector and breadwinner, the burden had been shifted entirely to him. He knew somehow he had to find a way for them to escape dangerous territories once the time has come.

He promised his mother that he would never ever let his little sister get in harm's way.

Not too long, the little sister finally finished her prayers, and stood up and headed towards the latter, giving the older boy a smile.

He was quite a bit unsure of his decision to allow her to come along with him, though he had no choice since his overprotectiveness was much stronger.

The big brother nodded slightly as he walked straight to their small wagon to prepare and set up the horse for the next phase of their journey.


It was often windy weather everytime travelers or merchants would pass through the Algora Highway, a long route that connects the various provinces of the Principality.

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