Arc 2: Noble City III

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City A Diplomacy A Dragon

Noble City III : Little Adventures

It all started with two little words which emerged from the Manacom tubes.

"Under-attack" As the voice mentioned, had struck paranoia amongst the members of the defense corps.

All through her life she had never seen the control room becoming this chaotic and noisy before. By the time she had arrived there, most of the knights were in the middle of an argument, some were just staring blankly in the air out of fear, and some were preparing for what's to come.

"I told you, the knight was informing us that the garrison was currently being under-attack by a large army of wvyerns before the magic went out!"

"That of a sudden? Anymore important details that he gave?"

The knight was silent.

"Come on people, the enemy may have taken the base early hence why it got cut off..."

"So we consider this us a hostage crisis?" One of the members suggested.

"Impossible! No one can destroy a garrison that large!'

The young captain having heard enough had no choice but to raised her voice.

"Alright! What the heck is going on here people!" She exclaimed, instantly getting all their attention.

"What this about Ejei being invaded by the Empire forces?"

Silence returned just for few moments as everyone tried to come with a way to better explain the current situation, until one finally spoke.

"Captain, we received a magical signal from the Garrison and they were asking for Wyvern reinforcements to combat their enemies." One of the knights then said

"He claimed that it was a large group of dark wyverns that came from the east." He added." Should we prepare the team to be dispatched there?"

Ine could only sigh in return, truly, that the pressure was trying to get on her nerves

She looked straight into the young knight's anxious eyes, as she wanted more details and information, but as she was about to speak, the Manacom tubes came to life once again.

"This is Ladan from Ejei, we apologized for any inconveniences as we ran out of rune magic to sustain our communications..."

Everyone's attention shifted towards the manacoms.

"There's no need for any rush or panic, it was a false alarm." He explained." We are not under-attack." He gave assurance to the rest."

By this time, Ine gazed at the knight and instructed him to get more clarification.

The Knight simply nodded as he spoke to the tubes once more.

"Copy that, But we may need more clarification on what was the false alarm about."

"Huge numbers of Crows...I believe it's due to the migratory season." The Knight from Ejei simply replied." We never expected their number to grow like this sire..."

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