Small Chapter Preview : Coda Village Part 4

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Rodenius:

Chapter Preview: Coda Village Part 4

With the exception of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and fires, Coda Village has never experienced a turbulent and violent event in its history. It was the only village that managed to avoid the clutches of numerous bandit invasions or raids over the years. and even in dangerous and risky places where they had settled, where the terrifying beasts and creatures dwelt, as it appeared that the village itself had the Gods' blessing since the beginning.

However, on January 15, 1639, in the late morning hours of the Central Calendar Year, The Village of Coda experienced its first encounter with such an event.

Another explosion rocked the village, and a loud menacing roar could be heard by the time a drop of blood landed on the symbol.

AN: Take note, this chapter will be replaced once the actual chapter is finished, but it will take me A LOT of time to write the chapter due to real-life matters and stuff. Thank you for understanding and God Bless!

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