Arc 1 Rodenius: A Secret Promise

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Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihonkoku Shoukan as it belongs to its rightful owners.

Arc 1: Lands of Rodenius 

Special Chapter: A Secret Promise

Never ever he had felt this kind of silence in the air.

All throughout his young life, he himself had witnessed the glory that befell every Legion or Group that had set out the journey to battle enemies, slay demons, or conquer the new lands.

The Empire had always held these small ceremonies for departing men, and it was adorned with festivities, with families and friends bringing food, musical instruments, and even games to make this an unforgettable event. Some even brought a high priest to pray for the men themselves in order for the God of War to bless them with his own protection so that they would all be safe when engaged in battle.

The recent armies that had returned from their campaigns to expand the territories from the North, were a strong testimony. The Lands of Quila was slowly falling apart.

It was early in the morning when Darius, a young nobleman in the middle of his 20s, found himself at the southern part of the Empire's walls, specifically near the gates of an old watchtower.

He had already expected this calm and windy atmosphere that overwhelmed and the rest of the men. The usual Imperial soldier's clothing was nowhere to be seen other than the new garb with a very much different design exclusively provided by his home's finest tailors and silk makers. Whoever had the idea of changing the original design should be praised for the armor is much lighter than the standard bulky iron armors. Furthermore, a close friend from the Royal court had given him a small gift of some sort, contained in a wooden box with unique designs, to which he had decided to open later on the journey.

Right now, he had to oversee the rest of his group, which had been entrusted to him, and as a young leader, he was determined to ensure that everyone was prepared and had time to say their goodbyes to their own families.

A smile formed around his lips, seeing the proud eyes of these families towards these men. It was enough to cover one of the truths of humanity's nature.

There were men who were treated the same way when they left, but when they returned from their journey, defeated and having failed to achieve their goals, they were mocked, and only their families waited at the bridge or at the Gates to welcome them back, even in the midst of their disappointment.

It was one of the reasons the young man had asked for only a small ceremony for these men. They were ordinary citizens or even migrants who volunteered to train and serve the Empire simply to feed their families, and He always knew that these people didn't need glory or praises to achieve true happiness.

As he surveyed more of the surroundings and scenery, he deduced that there were about 80-90 men in armor that stood in the fields, gathering themselves and mustering up their old courage back that helped them accomplished the previous missions.

"Captain Darius!"

A voice then called to this attention and he shifted his eyes towards to much younger man in his teens.

"Most of the horses are ready and good to go, sir!" The young man informed the captain." Should I announce to them?"

Darius smiled." Just give them more time to spend with their families." He told the boy.

"Yes, captain." The boy nodded, as he left to tend to his own horse.

The day had welcomed him with open arms, His mind went back to the report of a certain fellow noble, who had relayed on a message through a rare magic crystal. The supposed target was living in a village somewhere in the Alnus Region. According to further details, the individual formerly belonged to that of noble or royal status and is considered a threat when is forced to defend himself.

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