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~ Drunken Kisses ~


"A club?" I state again as Ruby jumped around the room in delight.

"Yes! A club!" She squeals, "Trust me, it'll help you get distracted from- him." She says the last word sourly, as if it was poison on her tongue.

"I don't think that's a good idea-" I tell her, but she cuts me off.

"You're right." She says seriously, "It's a BRILLIANT FUCKING IDEA! We can get you laid and help you get your mind off everything! But you get with someone I approve of, not everyone is good." She warns me.

"I'm not getting laid," I chuckle, "I'm- married.."

"If he cheated," Ruby states, "If he didn't comfort you after. Didn't deny it." She continues, me wincing with every accusation, "Then you have every right to enjoy your life."

"I- I don't know.." I whisper, "It feels- wrong.."

"You'll change your-" Ruby is cut off by my phone ringing from across the room. The screen illuminates, but I'm too far away to see who it was.

I get up slowly, checking the called ID.


I pick up instantly, "Aditi?" I ask, getting excited.

"Hi." She says quietly, "How did the funeral go?"

"It was- well." I pause, trying to fins the right words, "I don't know- funeral like?"


"Are you okay?" I ask her, "Is something wrong?"

"Well.. I've actually wanted to talk to you.." She say, "About- about Ethan.."

"About Ethan?" I repeat, now confused, "What do you want to talk about him for?"

I see Ruby leave the room out of the corner of my eye, thanking her silently for giving me privacy. The door closes behind her and I'm left with Aditi on the line.

"I- uhm.." She sighs, "I'm with him." I stop breathing, "Romantically."

There was a heavy silence from both sides, so tension filled that it could be cut with a knife.

"Why?" Was my only question.

"I like him, okay?" She says, the anxiety in her voice evident, "And- and he likes me back.. I didn't trust him at first, because of what happened to you.. but he does truly love me.." She then guiltily admits, "And I think.. I think I love him too.."

I swallow, my head now spinning, "No." I state, "Please Aditi, no, don't fall for him." I whisper, now desperate, "Anyone but him!"

I hear a pause, before she chuckles bitterly, "You know, this is why I didn't tell you-"

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