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~ Why ~

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~ Why ~


My phone was ringing, my personal one. I was not happy about this but I put the gun into it's sleeve and pulled it out anyway.

As I put the phone up to my ear, I hear the man I was trying to get information out of sigh. A shaky breath leaves the person on the other line.

"Boss." They say, "She-She's left. Again."

"Shit." I say, storming out of the room, the guards closing up behind me, "E l'hai lasciata andare? PER COSA SI PAGA?!" {And you let her leave? WHAT DO I PAY YOU FOR?!}

I cut the call and instantly call Lorenzo, "You've heard, find her. Tell everyone to find her."

"E-Everyone?" He asks.

"Everyone." I confirm, cutting the call.

I try calling her over and over, but not once does she answer.

Why Bella? Why did you leave?

I quickly make my way to my car, reversing and driving back to the house. She couldn't have gone far, could she? How long had she been gone for, before they knew she wasn't home?

As each minute ticked by in the dashboard, I wanted to run over ever car and run through ever red light holding me back. I had to get home, I had to find her.

I needed her.

Not want.
But need.

I hit the gas as soon as the light turns green, driving past endless streets before I reached my destination.

I get out of the car and hurry to the door, fumbling with the keys before getting in and practically run to my study.

Opening my laptop, I pick up the call from Lorenzo at the same time.

"Sì?" I ask. {Yes?}

"Non l'abbiamo ancora trovata, ma abbiamo cercato in città. Inoltre, manca una delle tue auto." He replies, making me more worried as he said each word. {We haven't found her yet, but we've searched the city. Also, one of your cars are missing.}

I sigh heavily, trying to contain my anger. "Va bene. I'll call you later." I cut the call as I head a sound of recognition come from the other side. {All right.}

As I clicked away on my laptop, trying to track her phone I glanced at the mostly chipped black nail polish. As I scanned the coordinates of it last being used, I picked at the black paint and tried to push away every interaction I'd had with her yesterday.

Every. Fucking. Move.

Now was not the time. I couldn't think about that.

I ran a hand through my hair, banging my table as I unconsciously bite my lip. I push myself out of my seat as I realise she hasn't looked at her phone since yesterday. How was I mean to find her now?!

Isabella you dumb fuck.

I sit back down, my mind racing as I bury my head in my hands. My foot quickly taps against the wooden board as I lean forward in my chair. Why did she have to leave? Why did I have to care so much? Why?

My laptop beeps, instantly making me gasp quietly as I look up to see a notification, she'd opened her phone. I had coordinates.

I was tempted to go get her myself, but I couldn't see her. No, not right now, I was too angry with her. I'd end up scaring in her. My anger was never something that helped me. And I couldn't loose her.

So I ring up Kai, and I wait until he picks up.

"Hello?" I hear.

"I have a location, I'll send it to you know." I tell him, but then add, "Make sure she gets back safe."

"Sì." I hear as the line turns cold.

I quickly text him the coordinates before ringing Enzo, who I think was searching for Isabella with Ruby, "We found her, come back."

I didn't wait for a response this time and cut the call. I'm sure he would tell the rest of the Mafia that they could stop looking. After all, that was the reason he was made my communicator inside and outside the Mafia.

I shut my laptop and slip my phone in my pocket after glancing at in once more. I think I was hoping, hoping that she'd answered at least on of my texts or calls. But no, she hadn't.

I sigh before walking downstairs and into the living room. It was now sunset and she'd been there the whole day. She was also 3 hours East from New York City, meaning she'd definitely left this morning. However, not before I'd gone to work. I'd left at about 8 today, later than usual, and I'd seen her still sleeping. The question that burned in me wasn't that though, it was why. Why had she left in such a hurry? Why did she need to leave to go that far? Why couldn't she have told anyone?

At 2 am, the front door finally opened, meaning Kai had returned.

She walked in and looked a mess, I watched as she scanned the room before her eyes finally met mine.

"Hi." She whispers, a smile that she didn't mean covering her face.

"Hi.." I nod as I look away, trying to control the anger but it wasn't working, "Hi?!" I yelled, a part of me regretting it as she flinched, "Seriously, Isabella?!" I scoffed, "YOU LEFT WITHOUT TELLING ANYONE, YOU WOULDN'T ANSWER MY CALLS, YOU WERE FOUND IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE AND YOU CHOOSE TO SAY HI?!"

"W-What else did you w-want me to s-say?" She asks.

Maybe give us an explanation.. A sorry..

"Right." I reply, getting up and walking up the stairs. As I do, I head Ruby muttering something to her, but I was seeing too much red to be thinking straight.

I walk into our room and sit on the bed, my back to the door and I place my head in my hands once more.

A minute later, I hear shuffling outside and am greeted by the door opening to Isabella.

"Ch-Chase?" She stutters, "Can we-can we talk?"

"Oh so now you want to talk." I say looking up, "I don't think so, no." I look away as my hand reaches for my phone, the vibration catching my attention.

I get more annoyed by the message from the blond bitch of a maid, that I toss my phone to side and get up. I whisk past her and into the bathroom, her scent surrounding me for a satisfying second.

I leaned on the counter, as I thought.

No, I couldn't be mad at her forever, and I needed to find out why- but my thoughts were soon cut by a thud from a door outside. She'd left the room. Was I too late?


It had been 2 hours and there was no trace of her. I was going crazy as I kept making calls to her, people in the Mafia, and anyone I could think of who could have seen her.

But she was smart, she was so fucking smart.

It was en endless circulation from one call to another, I wouldn't leave until I'd made sure I found her but it was getting hard. Where could she be at 4 in the fucking morning? When did she even leave?

The last and only trace of her was the fact that she stole from me.

5 fucking million dollars.


A/N: AHHHH SO!!! THIS WAS A CHASE POV!! We're gonna have more of these (you'll see why next chapter ;)

The next chapter is actually also ready to be published :D

Vote, comment and follow me! :S

See you next chapter!!

Ava! <3

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