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"A-Adicting?" I ask to which he nods, not glancing away from my lips "A-Adicting- how?"

"Like this." He says dipping down to peck my lips, making me gasp in shock "I just can't seem to stop.."

"R-Right." I stutter until something hits me.

The things inside this room.

"Uhm- Chase, don't!" I say as he twists the knob and opens the door.

I cringe as he walks in and freezes at the sight of the bed. I walk up behind him and stand next him, waiting for what he would say next.

"Right. This." He states "Do you want to maybe dump it on the floor?" He asks raising an eyebrow, I grin as I meet his eyes at the thought.

He sighs "Go on." He rolls his eyes as I run over and scatter the contents onto the floor.

"Perfect." I smile at my masterpiece, my hands on my hips as I feel Chase behind me.

"Great, now we can sleep." He says

"We?" I ask.

Since I came, he avoided sleeping in this room at night, so I felt, I don't know- safer?

"We." He nods and I smile to myself.

I'm suddenly picked up and I squeal in fright as Chase drops me onto the bed "Chase, I need to change." I tell him

"Forgot, sorry, go." He tells me and I quickly run into the closet to change.

Fudge pajamas.

I put on a hoodie and sweatpants.

I walk out confidently but suddenly feel conscious as Chase looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

"Quanto sei carino?" He whispers {How cute do you get - This was off Google Translate, sorry if it is wrong}

"What's that mean?" I ask

"Nothing." He replies instantly

"Eres malo." I tell him, narrowing my eyes {You're mean}

"What's that mean?" Chase copies me

"Nothing." I reply back with a wink to which he rolls his eyes.

I slip under the covers and watch inattentively as Chase gets out of his suit.

Until he takes off his shirt. Until his abs show. Until my face heats up and I look away.

"Enjoying the view, love?" He asks

"What view?" I reply dumbly to which he chuckles. FREAKING chuckles.

"Keep lying to yourself, sweetheart." Chase says, now not putting on a shirt at all.

OH FUDGE- is he going to-?

He did.

He got under the covers with me, with sweatpants and no shirt.

I turn away from him and try to not picture his abs over and over (failing miserably, by the way), until I feel a strong grip on my waist, pulling me.

My eyes widen as my back hits Chase's front.


"Shh." He says, digging his head into the crook of my neck, his breathes lighter and less stressed.

His arms tighten as he slowly drifts off to sleep, me eventually following.



Ok, I have to stop panicking.

I woke up and found myself cuddling with Chase and I need to pee but he's holding me really tightly and I get up.



"Chase." I whisper, shaking him lightly as he stirs "Chase, let me go, please."

I try to push his arm off but he just holds on tighter as I struggle.

"Chase I have to pee." I tell him and he groans, loosening his grip enough for me to slide away.

I run into the bathroom and finish my business, walking out to see Chase already awake, rubbing his eyes.

He looks up and smiles lightly at me, making me turn pink. DID HE ACTUALLY SMILE?!


"Chase." I state and he looks up at me "You have dimples."

"I do?"

"I dO!?" I imitate making him roll his eyes "You need to smile more."

"I'll think about it- no." He replies.

He brushes past me as he goes into the bathroom.

I start humming to myself before singing to myself
"Why you so obsessed with me,
Boy I wanna know,
Lyin' that you're sexing me,
When everybody know,
It's clear that you're upset with me-!"

I'm cut short by Chase walking out of the bathroom, wiping his face "Was that you?"

"Uhm- yeah." I say now going red

"You sing well, but did you say sexing?" He narrows his eyes


"You said I'm lying about it." He says slyly

"Who said it was you?" I shoot back

"Who else would it be?"

"Uhm-" Now I'm stuck "Kai." I say the first name that comes to mind

"No fucking way." Chase glares "But you don't have to live through a lie, I can help you with that." Chase says as he walks up to me slowly, I inching back with every step he took towards me.

I gasp quietly as my back hits the wall, one of Chase's arms going to my waist, the other next to my head.

"Can I, love?" He asks "Can I fix it?" He asks me again.


A/N: I'm ending it here!

On the cliff.

What should I do next?

No time skips, so either they do the dirty, get interrupted or she's not ready :-D

I can't choose :-)


I have my JAPANESE EXCURSION TODAY! My time, it's 12 am exact right now :)


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Love ya'll!

Ava <3

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