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~ Betrayal at it's Finest ~

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~ Betrayal at it's Finest ~


I cried the whole way to his funeral. Every second of the car ride, I couldn't stop sobbing, Chase was trying to calm me down, but I knew he was just as sad as me, if not more.

We'd flown back to New York just for this.

Every second I spent in the car, the more the flashbacks that played in my mind.

The body was limp and cold as I kneeled next to him, Chase running up next to me.

I didn't know how to stop them, I didn't know why they kept playing. Before, it used to only be in my dreams; now the thoughts haunt me everywhere.

"Tell Zoey I love her."

Ever since that day, I'd wondered who Zoey was. Not once did I find her to track her down though. Chase was still trying but apparently she'd made it to the guest list of the funeral, which was shocking considering none of us actually knew her.

What hurt the most was that it was a handwritten guest list that was found on Kai's bed.

Kai knew he might've died.

Kai was prepared for that sacrifice.

By the time we reached the venue, the tears had dried out and I'd started feeling numb. It wasn't like I wanted to not feel for Kai, but I just- couldn't..

It physically hurt to.

"Bella?" Chase's voice resonated through the air, "Bella, are you-" He pauses, as if he'd chosen the wrong words to say, "Did you want to talk?"

I shake my head and get out of the car.

He walks up next to me and holds my hand, leading the way to the place. I was glad he did, if not I think my legs would've given in right there and I'd have fallen. Fallen limp like Kai.

I can do this.. I'd told myself countless numbers of times; but each time, it only seemed to have less of an effect.

I let Chase guide the way, and let him hold me as the person started to talk.
With each passing second my heart broke more and more.

Eventually the ceremony (if that was what you could call it) was over.

"I'll meet you back home, I need to find someone." I whisper to Chase.

"You sure?" He asks softly, searching my eyes.

"I'm sure." I say trying not to break down right there, "Go."

He nods hesitantly before walking to the car.

I look around, looking everywhere until I hear a distant call of, "Zoey!"

I see two girls standing, one crying while the other one looked- pissed?

I walk up to them and hope I'm not wrong.

"Are either of you Zoey?" I ask. It was a stupid question, if it were one of them, it would certainly be the one crying.

"Y-Yeah." The girl crying pulls herself together faster than I'd ever watched anyone, "That's me." Her voice was croaky and her eyes puffy.

"Right. I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but Kai was a good friend of mine.. uh- I was there when he died." I wince. I'm the reason he died, I don't tell her. "He told me to tell you that he loves you, it was the last thing he said.."

She looks like she'd been hit in the heart with a truck before she sinks down to the floor sobbing once more. I lean down after her, shocked that the other girl who I'm assuming is her friend doesn't. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." I tell her in a whisper.

"H-He was my first love." She sobbed, "My only. He told me he might die and I said it was okay, because it is. But i didn't think it would hurt this much. He's promised to call me every day. He kept that promise. And just before he left, he even asked me to marry him, I said yes but I was so terrified he might not make it out alive.. he died saving a girl named Isabella.." Shame rattled through my bones. "She was saved, I'm so happy she was, but I wish he didn't have to go for her.."

"I'm sorry.." I repeat again.

If I'd felt guilty before this, now I only felt 100 times worse.

"W-We should stay in touch." I say, "I'm uh.. Isabella."

Her eyes widen a fraction before she stop crying and sniffles, "Yeah. Yeah definitely. Thank you."

She gives me her number and I do mine before she's escorted away by her friend.

Guilt was eating me alive as I made my way to a cab, and eventually back home.

As I reached Chase's mansion, a thousand emotions overwhelmed me at once.

Screw me, I hadn't been here is months.

I walk inside and to Chase's study, my fingers brushing over almost every surface as memories filled my mind again.

I walk into the Chase's study without knocking.
Bad. Bad. Mistake.

There they were.. my husband and the sister that swore she wanted to make things better between us.

Chase pushes her off and his eyes lock with mine.
Gabriella turns around smirking.
Everything was moving in slow motion.

"Hello, sister." She sneers, "Get out. We're busy."

"Isabella.." Chase whispers, his eyes wide, "This is not what it- shit. Trust me, it's not what it looks like." I see him physically cringe at his own words. "Let me explain.."

"Screw. You."

Betrayal's sour taste seemed to have taken a liking for me.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is betrayal at its finest.


A/N: This played out like a movie in my head.. guys do we hate Chase?

Ava!! <3

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